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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. On 3/14/2019 at 6:53 AM, Blitzton said:


    Ok, now I hate to join the crowd and complain but I have to agree with what a lot of people are saying, here, let me try and list some points

    1. Yes the AWS does require some aim and skill, and some movement techniques to avoid. But something to remember is that the average ping on the server is 10-250, if you spam an area with AWS rounds you could be hitting someone that’s not even there anymore.

    2. Hannah, love you, but arguing that the frag grenade counts as a reason to not change the viability of this gun is downright stupid. The frag is almost useless and is more of a “hey look at what I have,” considering how small the splash of the grenade really is. 

    3. On the topic of SRTs armor, a lot of you forget that our department used to have between 20-25 people with the breacher and sniper whitelist that had 255 armor each. Command had upwards of 300, but was it unbalanced? No. People built smart bases that counteracted the usefulness of armor, the AWS on the other hand removes the need to be quote on quote “smart.” Its just hold left click in a general direction to win. An SRT specialist as taken down within 8 bullets, meaning one AWS mag could potentially, in theory whipe our entire department.

    4. I do realize that the AWS does cost money as it is a custom class weapon, so let me provide a suggestion. Considering it’s more like a light, light machine gun, reduce the spread significantly, reduce the damage a moderate amount, and reduce the magazine size to 60-80 rounds. Making it more of an over glorified assault rifle. Still powerful, but for a different reason.


    When people try to make bases that “counter” your armor usually gets switched up by staff after gov complaining for a good hour. If Negev didn’t get nerfed AWS definitely isn’t since AWS doesn’t compare to negev why everyone thinking this nowadays

    On 3/16/2019 at 1:44 AM, Hannah King said:

    i do agree i gave it a test my self to day when i did a jail break i took out 5  pd in like 30 seconds   but  gov just thinks armor saves them no it's skill i have said this a few times i would rather get rid of the armor and just have good guns you could even have 300-400+ armor and it would make your survive rate a lil higher     but in the end if the person knows how to use the gun and out skills you that armor wont do anything , also have tactics dont just go running infront of an lmg find cover keep your  distance , i will even prove this to you  one day   ill get stander gov gear with only 100 armor and show you  that you guys are relying  to much on it,, 



    Oh yeah and do what she said please. Be smart when going against people with LMGS, don’t run out in the open and get mowed down then complain we are too op. Learn to beat LMG’s or you will continue to struggle :( and gov with extra armor I think rely on it too much which is another reason why you get melted 

  2. On 3/23/2019 at 12:22 AM, Unkn0wn_F1R3 said:


    I believe this would cause criminals to make a reason to raid PD just to get to court, PD is a KOS area and anyone going to court will just be killed.

    I think that room could be put to some better use as well such as a training room for cadets.

    Wouldn’t it be a jailbreak like any other time you free your gang from the cops?

    On 3/22/2019 at 4:29 PM, LT Velvet said:

    +support I usually have to make my own when I go on judge


  3. On 3/3/2019 at 5:19 PM, Joe Mama said:

    Eh, this suggestion has been denied multiple times due to the lag fires cause on the server soooo.... -Support

    It has been denied before and would cause lag I think. 

  4. On 3/21/2019 at 4:21 PM, Timmemes said:


    Ive always been told you have to go out of undercover before acting as government, but I may be wrong.

    if this is the case maybe it needs to the MOTD


  5. On 3/13/2019 at 4:53 AM, maral the great said:

    +support im all for this but i would also like a set of rules with it like no prison rp unless 3 doc on and riots only every 20 mins or something so it not crazy


  6. The situation was over all the cops were dead. Also why is it that Gov can heal and never get punished only crims? If anything happens gov get a verbal 

  7. Your In-game: BigJohnny

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:190683417
    The admin's name in-game: mockingbird
    The admin's steam name (If you know it):na
    What warning did you receive: Failrp
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/ddf39941bbfbc658b177d25e81b37ac8
    Why do you think this warn was false: I think the warning was false because I was doing money silos with my family and then all the cops were pushing in I killed all of the cops inside of the base and there were 2 outside. 2 of my family members pushed into the base killing all the cops on the outside. Since every cop was dead I thought I could heal so I started healing then an LCpl started shooting which I don't know if he broke NLR or not since we just killed all the cops or if he just responded late. As soon as I saw him at the front door shooting I instantly stopped healing then right after got brought into a sit with mocking. I wasn't sure or not if I could heal after my family killed all of the cops near the base. 
    Any extra information:na
  8. 23 minutes ago, Smoke said:


    The economy is not going to go out of wack because you need 5 government on to raid a bank, we already have increased the time needed to raid the bank. Government already outnumbers criminals most of the time as it is. Tac units have gas, most government has more shield. There are plenty of things that make it even. I dont think it is nessecary as 8 minutes to rob a bank is already hard as it is

  9. Your In-game: Class D 6969

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:190683417
    The admin's name in-game: KADE II
    The admin's steam name (If you know it): idk
    What warning did you receive: Exploiting 
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/d757070c50edafa962c9c8ec917c43ef
    Why do you think this warn was false: I think it was false because I was at the checkpoint waiting for someone to come along to open the gate for me so i placed a green filing cabnet (prop) and sat down, when i stood up from the prop it pushed me far into the ceiling. i called an admin and he pulled me out and then said i was getting warned for exploiting and then just flew off. I believe this is pretty unacceptable as a staff member because he warned me off of an assumption, and didn't even administrate a sit or anything or even talk to me for that sake.
    Any extra information:
  10. On 3/7/2019 at 11:22 AM, Blitzton said:

    God I’m gonna be the bad guy in this... oh well

    -Sadly I have to say


    As neat of an idea as this could be, I -

    1. Don’t even know if this is possible

    2. Disagree on your arguement on it taking, “less time” as a bullet to the head is faster than a menu screen

    3. Believe that this could be abused, assuming that the mod has no ability to set limitations

    4. Realize that it would be extremely difficult to go in and change every single jobs accessibility to the vendor, as to avoid citizens with gas grenades

    5. Realize that this is a Semi-Rp server, and I believe that a quick reset is sufficient

    As a side note, even if there was no menu and it was just, “press e to gear up,” then it would be extremely difficult to get it balanced in terms of what jobs can use the vendor, what they can get out of it, and how much money each item would cost. Personally I think the idea is sound, but not fleshed out enough, and could cause more problems than it could solve.


  11. On 2/24/2019 at 4:00 AM, Mjay1808 said:

    Honestly, I'm glad my speech help you become a better EMS High command and with the best for you and Alex. Also thanks for hearing me out and from here on out be all positivity and wish everyone the best in EMS. I'm here to help others that why im know as a nice person and will be talking to anybody about anything within gaminglight or outside gaminglight. I wish the best for EMS and any other department, ❤️

    Love you, Rhys ❤️

    Love you, Alex ❤️


    Love u homo 

  12. 1 hour ago, Sami26 said:

    thank you guys for your support but thare prob gonna skip me for someone better I'm not worth the time XD. but don't worry ill try my best and ill try to be super active aka because I have no life XD.

    Yeah please don’t respond to ur app it will get denied 

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