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~ vσxιs ~

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Posts posted by ~ vσxιs ~

  1. On 8/13/2019 at 7:42 AM, Gaztoof said:

    You can not -support since this report is against u . . . . . .

    Technically, he can especially if it's for false reasons or reasons deemed to be false. 

    On 8/13/2019 at 7:48 AM, EternityAgar said:

    - Support 

    You uploaded a 2 hour video for a 2 minute part.


    You had a fail base so he had right to delete your base. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, PhenixBoy300 said:

    This is true, most likely valk banned his friends forums account, and maybe his friend wrote the entire thing out and he changed a few words, or even this could be a surprise gift for his friend, who cares that he is wrighting it and not the guy who was banned.

    But why have his friend do it instead of making another account? 

  3. 4 hours ago, Willy said:


    You didn't do anything wrong, he did. He should be writing and giving an effort for the appeal, you did all the work while he sat back and watched you write it. I strongly urge you to tell him to write his own appeal, it'll show that he cares about the community.

    I feel like this is an alt account to be entirely honest. 

  4. +/- SUPPORT 

    To be clear on the first end of things, I will be 100% (this has nothing to do from earlier btw) 

    I do feel like you would be a good staff member on the front end of things. Meaning I feel that your maturity level can be great and over time, would be even better in the sense of how you handle situations. In staff, they don't look for people who can be overly provoked, more over they look for people who can be really good with other people and be willing to listen to everything that someone has to say, including multiple people. As for question 15, try to be a little more elaborate in terms of specifics. Try to explain why you'd want the position rather why you feel that you should have it. Also make it 150 words.

    Question 16 is a little different. It ranges in all forms of answers. At first glance, it seems like you wouldn't care (not saying you wouldn't care in general, it's just a first impression type thing), but afterwards you move in the right direction. I personally wouldn't mute someone, but each to their own. 10,000 second minges need to be handed out in the event of something like this, so keep that in mind. With you having short term memory loss, keep in mind that everything needs to be remembered up front and it stays for long term. So, IF accepted, you need to be trained thoroughly enough to remember everything. Hands on would be your best approach (you even said so yourself). 

    Also, you forgot a poll. I would keep those in mind if this does get denied. If accepted, then make sure everything is followed as stated. 

    GOOD LUCK!!!!


    I dont believe you should be unbanned. There was a few times where I had some issues with you on staff. But going back to what th3 said 


    Over the course of a 10 minute period you activated the nuke 4 times, Multiple rp related buttons in between, and clearly showed no intent to actually follow the rules despite only a few issues that were ongoing.

    This definitely puts the icing onto the cake. IF you were to be unbanned, then I would be happy with all whitelists removed with the exception of both D-Class and Researcher. That's the only thing I would agree to you being unbanned on. 


    I personally don't know you (considering I left PRP for SCP-RP a month ago) But what I can tell you is that MAJORITY of this app is very well put together. I could nitpick at some smaller things, but I will discuss that in a minute. You having previous experience is a plus, but beware, players here can get out of hand sometimes. I think you'd make a good addition to the team.

    However, as I said I would go over my nitpicks. Your question 16 is very vague, almost to a point of you wouldn't try to do anything aside from "calming" them down. To what degree? How would you calm them down? How would you take being cursed at, or yelled at? What actions would you take prior to calling an admin+ to come administer a 10,000 second minge? These things need to be noted. 

    You also don't have a poll, which is detrimental to applications of any degree. Regardless of what it is for. Be sure on future additions to applications that you add a poll. 

    Last thing, keep in mind that everyone needs to be fair in a sit, regardless of what an outcome might come to be. You stating that you handle sits decently enough to satisfy players with the outcome. This could be a very crippling flaw over time especially if you have multiple people. Notice I said "COULD". Don't let that ruin you as everyone needs to have a positive outcome from a sit, nobody should be treated differently (unless they are a huge minge and don't care

    Either way, good luck to you sir! 

    Note: As Sion said Number 10 is wrong, it asked a blatant question. Also increase your forums activity that would definitely be a huge help. 

  7. On 8/5/2019 at 10:37 PM, Catsro said:


    - User as spammed forums posts to meet the requirement for forums activity.

    - Reason for wanting staff just seems off, only wanting it to punish others.

    - Q16 needs improvement.

    + Great person in game and mature and respectful.

    +I believe you could be a great T-Mod in the future and could improve your application.

    If something seems off you can message me privately.


  8. DSD Dogz is NEVER allowed to say "Who let the dogs out?" IN TUNE when 939-1 or 939-2 is loose. 

    DSD Dogz is not allowed to throw D-Class into the incinerator for "Hotdogs or a hamburger" 

    DSD Dogz is not allowed to wield any form of handheld weapon that is blunt in nature. This includes but is not limited to: Propane tanks, FUBAR, Machete, sledgehammer, Micro-HID, Tacos, Nails, or Pickaxes

    DSD Dogz is not allowed to chant "I am the rapper Pitbull, you listen to my verses." Under ANY Circumstance. 

    DSD Dogz is not allowed to let 049 loose to cure people of AIDS or Herpes. 

    DSD Dogz cannot have 682 as a "Personal pet lizard" 

    No, DSD Dogz MAY NOT pet SCP-1048 like it's his cat. 

    DSD Dogz may not attempt to fly on "The Birdman" 

    Better yet, DSD Dogz may not be allowed to be within 5 metres of "The birdman" for everyons safety in mind. 

  9. Director Spire is not allowed to say "Ringa Ding my Bing" to ANY SCP or Personnel. EVER. 

    Director Spire is NEVER allowed near 939's chamber for a "walk in the park" under any circumstance. 

    Director Spire is NEVER allowed to have 939-1 or 939-2 as his "Personal Doggo's" 

    In-fact, Director Spire should NEVER be allowed to be around 939 period. We'll all be a little safer that way. 

    Under NO Circumstance is Director Spire allowed to refer to E-11 as "The Omish Folk" 

    Director Spire is NEVER to attempt to fight SCP-098 with a knife whilst chanting "En Guard" 

    Director Spire is NEVER allowed to give people ANY form of beverage from SCP-294 unless it is Coffee or Water. Drinks not allowed include but is not limited to: Lava, Anti-Matter, "Cup of Joe", God, TNT or 682's saliva. 

    Director Spire may NOT refer to D-Class as "Mennonites" even though they have no access to tech and because they have beards. 

  10. Idk. Kind of fishy considering Ronin is one of the most laid back staff members and he doesn't just ban for up to a week off of a RDM and Staff diss. Believe me. Let me get his side first and i'll give my full opinion.

  11. -SUPPORT

    There was a lot of things that you got let by with and I almost feel that was the last and final straw from SMT. Personally, I liked you at first but then you slowly turned into this person who didn't act at all the way you used to. Also know your past friendships with Vibez, Neiko and Nandy, I would also say no. Rules were broken, you didn't really care, and now that you're banned it's really starting to settle in, not to mention the things you'd do behind peoples backs. I don't want to see you back to be honest with you. 

    Also, if your ban was a blacklist, it's not appealable. 

  12. I myself am a little on a +/- side of things. I can vouch 110% that you can hear the ENDING of a keypad cracker (like when it finishes up) through walls and doors. I will be walking through HCZ sometimes and hear it all day. 

    As far as the gate opening, well, it varies from place to place. Sometimes I will hear it in HCZ, other times, ill hear it in LCZ in some places. Sometimes, I won't hear it open at all EVEN if im standing next to it (true story) 

    Now, does it seem sketched with him spectating? Well yeah. The timing is off, what Nimo says, is off. Of course it's going to be sketched out. Plus Chiefs previous staff reports really don't help at all in this case. 

    That's how I view it anyway, I'll be happy to give a bigger and more in depth answer later on when I have more time if it is needed. 

    NOTE: I dont think a full on demotion is required if this gets accepted. I think a warn for staff abuse and metagame would be just fine. 

  13. 1 hour ago, MasterKing said:

    Man at this point this community has become so sensitive that the slightest fucking impression i make or when i want to say things i cant i get banned 

    It's not a matter of us being sensitive my guy. I tell people how it is at any given time, and you know that. As far as this comment however, I sincerely believe that it's how you act and your belief on whether or not people should accept that. 

    You have to think. not everyone is going to follow on the same train of thought and attitude as you, and having a possible mentality to think that they should what what gets you in trouble, not because of sensitivity. 

    Be mindful of others. Trust me, it goes a long way in the end. Put yourself in some of these other staff members situations and even Snar's situation. I'm not trying to roast or be mean to you, im being honest here. 

  14. -SUPPORT

    Didn't you just post up a staff application too? I mean, when you apply for staff I would think that attitudes wouldn't be a problem especially to the manager of the server. Snar just doesn't up and ban people without a valid reason and you HAVE been known to have an attitude pop off pretty quick before in the past. Just wait it out and let it be a lesson learned that maybe staying cool in situations and not saying anything would be the best option out. 

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