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~ vσxιs ~

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Posts posted by ~ vσxιs ~


    If you did in fact player diss, then your warning is valid (which I am seeing entirely here) and if I am understanding right, telling staff to "Piss off" and that "They are the reason the server isn't fun" is just unacceptable regardless of how it's viewed. If A is true, and the staff sit ended, then I do not believe your minge was valid. But if B is true, and the staff sit was not finished then it was then a valid minge due to your LTAP. 

    Also, this is more of a warn appeal instead of a staff report as stated before. I'm simply giving an outside perspective on the situation. Also ALSO, try not to argue on appeals regardless of what is said by other players. A simple + or - support is enough to suffice these types of situations. Even if it was okay to call another persons dad "gay" it's normally best to not say stuff like that in general. If staff says "Don't do that" then it's probably best that you just don't do it anymore and go about your way. As far as him not handling the sit properly, from what im understanding, he did just fine. My opinion will stand and it will not be changed. 


    In a lot of the cases, staff reports of this nature are made of spite and anger. This particular case is a little different due to the fact that he had probably mis-understood a lot of things, and he is also on a completely different timezone (yes I will use that in this case) and it was more than likely super late for him and he was tired (which isn't really an excuse but i'll elaborate in a second here) 

    A strike isn't really needed as such, because events such as this don't warrant anything besides a talking to. Strikes are mostly handed out in terms of the staff abusing, over punishing, or just not following orders. Again, in his case he more than likely was misunderstanding the entire thing. There is no physical video evidence so an appropriate answer to either side doesn't really matter in the end as of right now. As far as him saying "Don't worry about putting him in jail, his time is up" If jail time is appropriated into a sit, lets say you're putting someone into jail for 10 years and they have actually done something to warrant a sit in the process of being arrested, time done in the DOC can be adjusted or removed if a staff member deems fit (I have done it along with other staff members in the past) because it's pointless to waste their time with a sit then on top of that, throw them in jail for X amount of time. Everything on THAT particular side is fine in my eyes especially if it was longer than 120 seconds. As I said, it was more than likely a misunderstanding and should be left as such. (in my opinion) 

  3. 2 hours ago, Sion said:


    You expect us just to forget the fact that you showed no respect towards Zeeptin and allow you to re-join like nothing happend

    Ain't gonna happen


  4. Building outside of spawn in the parking lot is allowed, and the only Steve that I know of that could've banned you is a higher rank. I doubt that he would've banned you for a reason as small as that. I wanna hear his side of the story before I give any form of Support. 


    App is good 

    Active in game (From what i've seen) 

    Decent application, your last question could be better 

    Your forums activity could definitely use some work but hey, we all start somewhere. We all make mistakes on our forums date (to my understanding he had an older forums account which is why he stated September of 2018 as his join date) 

  6. 6 hours ago, Calamity said:

    - Support

    • I warned you for repairing your car in mid-pursuit, that is failRP
    • Saying "he did it", "that guy did it" is weak support for your claim


  7. I personally do not feel that a removal or strike is needed. I talked to Cameron earlier and it was an "In the moment" situation. I think an honest talking to will be the best for him. 

    He sounded super sincere on his apology as he apologized to me, Gamik, Friendly Steve and Calamity. Give him another shot and let him attempt to redeem himself. We've all done things like this off duty before in a "in the moment" situation (don't lie) 

    As I said. I think a very very stern talking to is honestly fine with me. But if he makes the mistake a second time, then a removal would be deemed appropriate. 

    +/- SUPPORT

  8. Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant


    In-Game Name: SM Voxis 1B25

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53787030

    Current Rank: Sergeant Major

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 6+ Months

    What timezone are you in?: CST

    How many Warns do you have?: 3

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): Well for starters, Matthew and Zage are forcing me to apply for LT.

    Kidding. All jokes aside, I feel like I should be promoted simply because I have a lot of time in PD as a whole. I have seen people grow, seen them fall, and have seen people from all over such as Kitty, Noot, and Bob Bob (which congrats on Dep Commissioner). I like to be a major support for the department, helping keep those in line who are disrupting trainings, to those who are simply losing their way as an officer. My end goal is to simply put, be the best that I can be for everyone involved. A lot of you guys have seen me in action when dealing with people in terms of training, breaking rules, or even being misguided. I like to take the time to support those in need of friendship and partnership, and to make sure the bad ones are done away with in the event that something bad happens. I seriously hope you guys see me as a good fit into a low command spot. I assure you that I will not let anyone down. If I do, please be sure to keep me in my place, but it shouldn't happen. 

    With love, Voxis. 

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No) Yes

  9. 2 minutes ago, MasterKing said:

    yea usually but you never know for sure

    He wouldn't be where he's at if he wasn't trusted. Him, Calamity and I all heard what he said. I even said i'd like him back because I think he's a cool dude and everything but at the end of the day, he said what was said. 

    I understand there are frustrations and it's entirely understandable, but to say a comment like that is not in the slightest funny or a joke. 

  10. Unfortunately, this is actually a custom map made for the server specifically.  Yeah it's not much but it is still a custom map. I don't think we'll be changing for a while sadly. 

  11. On 7/2/2019 at 8:42 PM, Calamity said:

    My side of the story


    I killed you because you were trying to arrest Freeze, he was wanted also. I knew you were going to pull out your weapon since you were chasing Freeze, so I shot you, You pressed your panic and ran away, cops showed up and so we went on top of hospital to shoot them.\


  12. 4 hours ago, CapAwesome said:

    -/+ Support

    + Well written application  

    + Good form activity

    -/+ Not that many warns

    -You are staff on another community

    If you're staff on another community then you shouldn't be applying here in the first place. I would highly suggest you leave there first before traveling to staff here. 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Willy said:

    + Support

    You've waited a good amount to check yourself on what you said. Good application, I'd like to see you back in the community.


  14. 21 hours ago, Yobo said:

    This hole is so deep that I feel that someone should lock this.

    It's not that it's deep, it's more that there's just some frustrations, which happens. 


    But on that note, if an admin hears something, then they don't need the evidence that you said it, when they heard it themselves. It's a bigger picture on it's own. I understand where you're coming from, I really do Rick. But we all know what we heard. I'm not jumping to conclusions or anything, because I'm being upfront and honest with you. I've been nothing but honest with you and that won't change. However, I think denial is playing a huge part in this drastically. Yes, it was the king clan as there were a few of us over there that heard you say it. Calmity was a little closer to the convo than I can remember but he heard it. Billy was right there so I know he heard it and your comment was said directly to me. Was it meant to be mean to me? No, because the other player was giving you troubles as you claimed. If your comment never got spoken, then I would've talked to them myself and we all could've worked something out and then this situation wouldn't have happened to begin with. 

    I know you're not a people person and there's nothing wrong with that. I'd like to see you back on the server, I won't deny it because just like I said in my last comment here, I think you're an alright dude. No complications, just not too involved with people as a whole. I also get we all make mistakes in the heat of the moment but again, this is something that doesn't go lightly here whether it was as a joke, or serious. I personally would like to see you unbanned (even though I -supported you) and would like you to have another chance. But that is not my decision to make sadly.

  15. I honestly think you're a cool guy, I won't lie to you. However, I was there when you said what you said and you didn't say "That you knew a ddosser on the server." You specifically said "If that guy doesn't leave me alone, I'll have someone boot him off the server and they'll make it to where he can't log in for a long time." Or something along those lines. 


    Like I said it's nothing personal to you man, I think you're cool and an alright guy. I wish things didn't turn out the way that they did. 


  16. +SUPPORT 

    This is straight abuse in it's finest. The abuse, the refusing to get on duty, it's not really looking well for Panic here. Removal is probably the only option here. We are staff, not people to have a rank and abuse powers. If you want to do something like this, go into a single player mode and mess around there. On the server, try not to do any of these things. 

  17. Ok, for starters. He was OFF DUTY which thus makes this a player report. 

    Secondly, it has been said many of times in the past that prop surfing is not allowed, and in this case, it was a lag spike. I honestly think the prop cars should be removed for player use (if that's even possible) because they do cause a lot of issues. As for THIS particular issue, my stance is 



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