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Rick Sanchez

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Posts posted by Rick Sanchez

  1. + Support. Following the PD handbook. Didn't do RDA


    In the PD guide, it says that people are AOS if they are no returning home. 


    All units must have code 2 lights on and make sure all citizens are returning home or they are AOS

    - shorturl.at/eqwPZ (Link to the PD guide) 

    If he was being arrested or detained for being outside then he has the ability to search him.

  2. What is your in-game name?: Sanchez


    What is your steam name?: [GL] Will 


    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:77530715


    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I have staffed on multiple HL2RP servers and DarkRP servers


    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) August 2017


    What date did you make your forums account? August 4th, 2017


    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not an RP Rank)? Admin


    How many warnings do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 3 (One being removed because it's false) https://imgur.com/sDMp9Ro


    Have you donated? Yes


    What rank are you applying for? Senior Admin


    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No


    Have you read the staff guidelines at 'https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/20650-staff-handbook/' You will be tested on it: Yes


    Timezone: GMT


    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): 

    Super Admin: Calamity, Freeze, Mikey, Emoo

    Head Of Staff: Matthew

    Manager: Hotshot


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) 

    I think I deserve the rank of 'Senior Admin' because of many reasons, Firstly I am a very active staff member and player on the server, I often have a high sit count and time on the Administrator Job, Furthermore I am always willing to get on duty when asked by someone or required to do so to fill the player to staff ratio. Being a Senior Admin would also allow me to help staff that are on duty with sits when they become flooded or just need help with any situations, I currently do this but it requires me to get on duty which can be an inconvenience for people

    Secondly, I believe I deserve this rank due to me always putting staffing above RP on the server and always helping out the lower ranks in any way I can, I have helped Trial Moderators get to grips with how the staffing system works and how to deal with volatile situations that may overwhelm them or they may simply not know what to do, I want to be able to do this more and I believe being a Senior Admin would allow me to do this as I won't be required to go on duty to help with the sits that happen. 

    Thirdly, I have a lot of experience on this server, I started in 2017 and joined the staffing team and achieved the rank of a moderator before I left due to my final exams in school, now 3 years later, I have surpassed my previous rank and have gained much more knowledge on the MOTD, how the server works, the forums and the players on the server. I believe I have dealt with nearly all situations at this point in my staffing career However, This does not mean that I am not willing to listen to other staff or reconsider the previous precedent I may have set for myself for certain situations, I deal with each situation subjectively and avoid putting all rule-breakers into the same 'minge' category, I like to help players understand the rules and try my best to explain to them even if their responses are offensive or irrelevant.  I am also always thankful for other staff's input on my sits. My combined time on the PRP server means that I have a lot of experience with staffing and so, I think I am ready to move up to the next rank where I can hopefully carry on helping people in the ways I currently do.

    Finally, I am ready to be promoted to a more trusted position in Gaminlight, I am a mature staff member, A trustworthy one and have lots of experience with staffing and roleplaying, I would also like to believe I am a well-known player on the police RP server and am very active on the forums. 


    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? 

    Firstly, I would attempt to calm them down by talking to them, if that failed I would mute/gag them, depending on how they are doing the dissing. I would then direct my attention to the person who called the sit and ask them for their view on what happened, I would then check the logs and gather all the evidence I would need and put it in the 'Evidence Box' I would then communicate any evidence to the person who had done the RDM and give them a chance to explain their side (if there is one)  I would then inform them that they are being warned for Mass RDM and Staff/player dis (Depending on what was said and who to) After the warning I would either consider banning them for 5+ days or giving them a jail time depending on how many people they RDM'ed and other factors that may arise. If it was a jail time I usually hang around the player and try to get conversations started about why they RDM'ed and if they will consider following the rules, after talking to rule-breakers for a couple of minutes it is not rare for them to agree to follow the rules and to have fun.


    17. These questions are only for people applying for Admin/Senior Admin/Super Admin:


     -What would you do if you think a player is an alt account?

     I would spectate the player and inform other staff members about my suspicions and ask for their input on the situation, It is sometimes also a good idea to check their steam profile to see if it looks like a legitimate steam account or one that has been created to be on the server. After I have gathered evidence and have reasonable suspicion I would talk to a SA+ about it and either let them deal with it or cooperate with anything else they need 


      -What would you do if a player is threatening to chargeback? 

    I would make a sit with them and explain what happens if they do a chargeback (Blacklist) and try to be friendly and convince them it’s not worth it and to just enjoy whatever they purchased on the store.


      -A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging?

    During situations like this, it is normal that they are in a discord call or something similar so I would bring the Leader of the family to a rooftop and explain about the reports the staff have been getting about the family, I would tell the leader that he needs to get his family under control or warns will be handed out for NITRP or fail RP, Depending on the situation. If the family continues to minge after that I would consider bringing all of them to a rooftop (If its a relatively small family) and explaining what I told their leader. I would then warn/jail/ban the relevant members of the family for their rule infractions and tell them to stop or they will all receive similar punishments. If once again this does not work the family will start to disappear as more and more of them get large jail times and bans. However, this is unlikely to happen as mingy families usually stop when one member has been banned/Jailed for an extended period of time. 


    -How would you deal with a situation you don't know what to/don't know the answer to? (Don't answer with "I know everything!")

    I would firstly ask in the admin chat and see if anyone responds, I would then move onto asking a senior admin if they could teleport to me to help me with something/ask a question. I would then move up the chain of command in-game and Discord/Teamspeak until I get help with my situation.


  3. - Support

    You so clearly broke RP it would have been silly not to warn you, Crease wanted you warned but changed his mind for some reason, But I chose to ignore crease due to the fact that you broke the rules so obviously.

    6 hours ago, cdmayberry said:

    But he didn't even hear all the facts because if you look at it I never faced him when he pulled his wepon out and also last time I saw him he was halfway across the bridge and with a tazer out.

    Unless you play with a FOV of 5 I do not know how you didn't see him. He was stood directly in front of you. I also did listen to all the facts, I let all three of you speak and share what you thought of the situation

    I might have listened to Crease, and not have warned you if this was your first FailRP warning and you didn't actually realize, But you must know this is not allowed so I thought a warning was needed.

    This is a legitimate warning as it is very frustrating when criminals run away and jump in that water and is breaking RP so a warn was needed.

  4. I would maybe get both these applications deleted or wait for them to be denied then make a new one with the questions actually in the application. If you need any help with making it then you can PM me and I'll help with any questions about applying.

  5. 1 minute ago, powerlegomind said:

    No i fixed the last two questions and put more detail why i wanted and how i could help out staff


    No, You're still missing the last two questions... 


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    Also a public poll.

  6. 3 hours ago, Hoi_HavoC said:

    ??? Are you kidding me? A staff diss by saying I hope he does get his MOD removed because he was being toxic?? You have got to be kidding me. I just posted all the evidence that should be required to see that he assisted with a raid. Previously my buddy Danky Toast called him to that base as a MOD that I did not record because I shouldn't have had to do that. I only took screenshots after they falsely raided me. After he came to my house as MOD and then assisted with Raid. This is insane that you would think I would staff diss... I am just sticking up for myself and I COULD have made the Staff Report but I don't stress little things... But now I have to lol

    I asked for more context, there’s no need to get so stressed and annoyed by this, my comment was just saying with the pictures we have now, it could be staff dis. You posted the evidence after I made my comment so how could I have already seen it? There’s no way I could have known he was being toxic. 
    This post has to be locked. This is getting out of hand and blown out of proportion 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  7. 48 minutes ago, Freeze said:

    Yea but they were doing it together.


    Gonna leave it at a + Support for now 

    Think verbal wouldve done the trick and other people involved were not warned aswell.


    Agreed, If you're going to warn someone for something, you gotta warn everyone involved in it and not just leave someone out because they're staff. But then again I wasn't there to judge the situation. The video would also be great @Dropperlemon

  8. I'm pretty chill. Only 1 case anywhere near me.

    But yeah, People need to understand that this virus is not as bad as the media is making it out to be. Healthy people like 17 - 40 will very rarely die or be very heavily affected unless they have other medical conditions the only reason the governments are putting heavily measures on it is that its very easy to transmit and spreads a lot, Not because its a deadly disease that will wipe out a country. common flu has killed way more people and still does. had swine flu back when that did its rounds and that was pretty bad.

  9. 20 hours ago, K1LLER said:



    Low Warnings


    Sure he did respond to his own app, but he was answering a question which in my opinion that should be allowed, I mean you pretty much asked him a question how you want him to answer that

    Good Luck Bird!

    Agreed. + Support 

    The Poll would be nice if it was a bit more professional. The application format does say this:


    You are to make a "private" poll on the post with the options “Yes” or “No”.

    Do NOT make the options say anything else, you're application will be DENIED for doing so.

    Likely that this is referring to something a bit different. But still.

    • Thanks 1
  10. + Support.

    - I’ve always pulled people over for any sort of light infractions and never had any issues, I assume this is a PD high command decision? And not a SMT decision? Because as State we are trained to pull people over for even the littlest things, never even heard of this rule. So it’s not enforced by state high command if it is a thing 


    Sorry but you have some ridiculous comparing skills

    The point about not being able to see the turn signals is one of the reasons why its being - supported. And some people can't see the police lights so by the same logic people shouldn't have to yield to them. How is that a bad comparison?



    just informing you that you are not allowed to pull over people for this set by State and Police Command.

    State does not enforce this if it is a rule.  At least I have never done it as a Captain or seen it ever happen.

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