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Posts posted by Cashtag

  1. On 2/24/2019 at 1:03 AM, PXRPs said:

    Big +Support

    Great suggestion.  Training would be a lot more fun if people weren’t just reading and listening the whole time.  This would increase the motivation for Supervisors to actually train because it wouldn’t be boring.  Cadets would also perform better when they get out.  

    Can relate to this. Constantly reading the same thing over and over again is kinda boring. Would love to see this added!

    -SM Cashtag 1A26

  2. 4 hours ago, Unkn0wn_F1R3 said:


    Might be good for tac units but could be abused/minged with

    Also here's one that I think is better - https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/26


    I say +Support

    But only make it for tac units/command members. It could be abused if used by people who are less trusted. And the hook Bob Bob gave is much better. I have used it before and I love that thing. It's great!

    -SM Cashtag 1A26 / SWAT PFC Cashtag XR33 

  3. 40 minutes ago, Tim Brown said:

    + Support 



    Been Major for a long time 


    Good Application 

    Deserves a promotion


    Good Luck!

    +Support for the reasons stated above.


    -MSGT Cashtag 1A26

    • Like 1
  4. +Support

    - Would allow for PrisonerRP again.

    - Idea seems cool


    Don't like the bridge part, maybe change it into a still bridge with a gate on it.


    -DOC CPL Cashtag 1F27

  5. So with the new map, DOC is gone. And since the new jails are at PD I think that PD can keep it secure themselves. And now there is also no more room for prisoners RP. So I hereby thought of the following:

    - Either a new DOC would be added. PO Rammer had the idea of an island for the DOC. I think this would be fun. Or just have a new DOC near state trooper. 

    - Change DOC more into a PT unit. With the current SOP there is no DOC to keep secure since there isn't one. only the PD jail cells. With PO Rammer I had a great time doing PT and escorting him, he was in a PT van and I had an escort vehicle. This was so much fun to drive prisoners around in a convoy. This would greatly increase the security. 

    EDIT: When I was scrolling to get an escort vehicle out I thought of the idea to loosen the vehicle limits. What I mean by this is to allow more vehicle to be used and to use them as escort vehicles. Since CERT has their own vehicle dealer now there is no point of having them there when we can't use them. I'd love to use the BMW for example to escort a PT van. 

    -DOC CPL Cashtag 1F27

  6. On 1/21/2019 at 6:07 PM, Tim Brown said:

    + Support 




    Deserves a promotion 


    Good Application

    Knows the rules and follows them well


    Good Luck Eternity!

    +Support for reasons stated above.

    -MSGT Cashtag 1A26

    • Like 1
  7. First off I want to say, I'm not trying to be disrespectful towards anyone or anything. I just want to share my opinion and get those of others. I have no intent to harm, disrespect or personally attack anyone or anything.

    Please note: this is a story on what happened and some context on why I think some jailbreak rules have to be changed. If you want to why I want them to be changed you can read the story, if not you don't have to.

    So I was playing GL PoliceRP and I'm a DOC Prob. I live in Europe and around the time I get back from school and finish my homework there will be around 15 players on. Around the time I'm going to be speaking on there were 2 police officers. and 1 DOC (That was me), in total there were about 14 players on. Someone (Not mentioning names) wanted to RP as a prisoner. I was perfectly fine with this since I was them do it earlier this week and they had permissions from staff. So he/she set up their base, because they wanted to have their own cell. I put some textboards outside so I could RP that he/she was able to get visitors and that PD could bring in prisoners the correct way. The next thing you know the prisoner said that he would pay 500k if someone broke him out after he went voluntarily into the prison. This was my first question, why would you go into the prison just so someone could break you out? Of course, I was overrun because of the lack of PD. There were so much custom classes and people. I couldn't handle them all with my low damage M4A1.  I managed to do some damage, but I was all alone and couldn't do much. After this I went outside to fix the gate as it had broken and to go back to my guard tower. 2 people show up, I have no idea why they would be here. I told them countless times to leave, but they wouldn't. I fired some warning shots, which in my eyes should have put them under FearRP since I'm shooting warning shots and I have a gun out. 1 of them says that they can be there. I assumed this was out of RP. So I wanted to point to the KOS/AOS sign above the gate. I did this for about 1 second, then I pulled my pistol back out to pressure them. By this time I had already called for backup, but no one came. Then right after I switched back I got mugged while in my guard tower. These 2 people prop-climbed over the fence by using the textboards I had put up so I could RP. They used their vehicle and also said let me boost you. I told the guy mugging me that I had pulled a gun out before he adverted, yet I still got killed. I asked in OOC if this server was Semi-Serious and people responded with yes and with no. In my eyes, the server looked like a server that wasn't Serious or Semi-Serious. About a couple of minutes later a tac unit brings in a prisoner. I was outside trying to fix the position of the textboards so they couldn't be used. There were a lot of people outside and I asked the tac unit to let me in, no response. So I had to force my way into the prison with my battering ram. Apparently, these people were family of the prisoner the tac unit brought in and they did a jailbreak. Once again we only had 1 tac unit, an OFC and me as DOC. I checked the chat history, and guess what. These people used OOC to get the message across someone was in jail and that they were going to break them out. This is clearly metagaming. I did take screenshots since one of the people who did this was a staff member (Not telling any names here, I'm willing to give these screenshots to any manager who asks for these). After the jailbreak, things got back quiet and I made this post. 

    Now I want to share my opinion. During this time I was playing I didn't feel like this was any Serious or Semi-Serious roleplay. I think that the Serious or Semi-Serious roleplay part is any problem, but what does bother me is the fact that there are so little rules about jailbreaking. What even surprised me more was the fact that those people who broke out the person out who the tac unit brought in was even cop bait, since that adverted jailbreak after they were inside the first DOC fence. In the MOTD this is classified as cop bait. I honestly feel like there should be more rules about breaking someone out. For example a minimum amount of players or a minimum amount of cops. It's not fun just to be with only 3 gov in total on to be completely destroyed by 5+ people with OP weapons and custom classes. 

    I, unfortunately, do not have proof from anyone else other than the metagaming. I don't want to take actions against any other rules broken. It happened, I don't have proof so I can't do anything about it.

    Now, please let me know what you think about the jailbreak rules. Should they be improved? Yes or no? And why?

    Once again, if you find anything in here offensive, disrespectful or harmful please let me know! I'm willing to change anything you find inappropriate.

    Thank you for reading, Cashtag.

  8. Hi,

    I have an error with the MP5 texture, it's showing up as an error texture instead of the correct mp5 texture. I posted it here since I think it's not a bug, but instead something that's just happening with me. I have CS:S as well as CS:GO. I also have the addon pack. Does anyone know if I'm missing something? I think it's only with the MP5 since I don't have this issue with the Glock-20 or the P250.



  9. Ok I still have questions about this:

    This did not happen:


    And I was at the time of the warning not aware of the rule I broke:


    And I'm sure at the time I got the warning RDM was on first offence a verbal. And also at the time of warn (August 2) I did not find anything relating that RDM is a staff discretion.

    EDIT: At the time of the warning the warning admin jailed and minged me straight away, we never exchanged a word with eachother. He just left me and I was not able to ask what I did wrong neither did the warning admin tell me what I did wrong.



    It is the staff members decision on the punishment issued.

    Ok so if I understand correctly it means the staff is able to warn, minge and jail even if it is first offence?


    @NDSTF I did appeal my warn when it happened but my report got closed for no reason and moved to denied.

  11. -support

    -no proof to suggest it is false

    -staff discretion for punishment.

    I'm sorry but English is not my primary language. What does Staff Discretion mean?


    EDIT: Back when I got this warning this rule was only a verbal warning on first offence

  12. Your In-game: LCPL Cashtag 1A27

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:161412946
    The admin's name in-game: ARU Commissioner Valkyire CO19
    The admin's steam name (If you know it): [WZG] [GL] Mr._Valkyri3_, SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79684119
    What warning did you receive: RDM
    Why do you think this warn was false: I was on the murderer job, I adverted murder. Shortly after I was jailed (600 sec), warned and minged (600 sec). I understand what I did wrong but this was my first offence and this I think that this should have been a verbal warning.
    Any extra information: The reason why I am bringing this up again is because my original report was not closed the right way. It was moved and locked to the denied section with a response. Plus I have seen so many people get away with this. Even staff! They all got a verbal warning and I straight away get a warning plus jail and minge for 600 seconds. I am aware that Mr._Valkyri is no longer staff, but in game staff told me I was still able to appeal this warning.
    NOTE: This warn is 6 months old
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