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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2024 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Why would you need to update it?
    1 point
  3. W resignation. I shoulda done mine like this L responses from those mentioned tho
    1 point
  4. As to avoid an entire argument here, I'll say the following: You routinely threatened, and did, mark my battalion as enemies of the empire when we followed orders issued by high command you had not yet stripped of power. The verbal harassment is in regard to a situation wherein Waltan was utilizing a jetpack on base despite it being defcon 5, and when he taunted you, you had me dragged into your channel to complain about him and my other troops for, to be fair, not quite an hour, closer to about 45 minutes. Where you also stated that I was and I quote "the good 501st", thusly implying the rest of my battalion was bad. And regardless of you rebuffing the statement about the baby, you can see the DT state "it worked", as he said in text before that he wondered if it would turn into a 501st, to which you coloured it, while you yourself may not have said it, you directly facilitated the statement. I haven't made complaints, but I regularly get told of other peoples, and while it was not shown in a clip, you just recently declined to punish someone for disrespecting my battalion as a whole despite having 2 battalion commanders and 2 HCom attesting to him doing so, after lying to get the opportunity to do so. If you would appreciate constructive criticism, I'll give the following: Listen when people tell you someone is a problem and will cause problems for a battalion, don't pretend to not have been involved when you yourself provide evidence of you facilitating the disrespect of my battalion, and yes it's entirely possible I could have mistaken you for someone else disrespecting 501st, after all, but its pretty hard to claim innocence when you're always at the scene of the crime.
    1 point
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