Major + Support
- Active
- Dedicated
- Cool person
- Very Clean and Detailed Application
- Understands what it means to be a true Command member
- Been a Command member in the past
Cinder has proven is dedication through his activity and through is pure will to help and improve IQ. He seems to thrive in always going above quota and guiding other IQ on what there duties are. He is very respectful person meaning he can also help improve battalion relations allowing IQ to furthermore improve in cross over trainings and simulations with other branches.
Cinder should most definitely be accepted.
Best of Luck!
-Previous Command Experience
-Understands The Responsibilities Of A Command Member
-Detailed Application
Cinder has been a command member before and has spent plenty of time within Inquisitorius. They've demonstrated their work ethic and abilities throughout various positions on the server. I have no doubt that Cinder, if given the opportunity to be a VCMDR again, would perform well above expectations.
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