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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2024 in all areas

  1. Please keep the post to +/- supports Forum Diplomat Message
    1 point
  2. +/- +Support: -Very Active (Most Active Enlisted) -Fun guy -Hasn't done anything bad recently -Great image attached -Long application! -Support: Very new to SF. Notes: Deserves it to be honest. the only bad thing is he is new to Starfighters; He's got a long application, good history and has done great so far. Overall, if i deserve to be an officer, he deserves to be an NCO.
    1 point
  3. Came regarding what you said the baton can be configurable to where you only have to hit once and you don’t have to bring them to a console u less you configure it to do so
    1 point
  4. Massive +Support Something I've been thinking of for a while. Another thing I would like to point out is it does a flat 250 dmg to everything at a pretty quick fire rate pretty accurately. It allows someone to solo the rancor or Ackalay on higher difficulties if not interfered and at a distance that the AI will just be stuck and frozen. Also it is quick and fast making it hard to hit. If the AT-RT gets nerfed to 3500 as Coldporpoise is suggesting I would like to see the dmg go down too. As it stands the AT-RT is the best vehicle in the game and short of the pilot getting out, another AT-RT fighting it, or the pilot being blown out by an explosive that hits players instead of vehicles (IE: AT-TE secondary cannon, or Tanks secondary cannon.) it is unmatched in vehicle or anti air combat. It even out DPS the antivehicle turret (Tested it a while ago with Talren) I think this is much needed but right now still it kind of makes SF not worth flying around when just one of these things are around. Also to respond to ColdPorpoise a bit here you have a rebel variant of the exact tank that tank troopers use. Granted it does need 3 pilots so maybe work on beefing that up and making it more useable as your "anti tank" vehicle instead of a single man open cockpit Recon Transport. Pyke and criminals have 4 vehicles they can craft and Pyke have I think 3 more vehicles on top of that (correct me if I'm wrong but Pyke have in terms of Vehicles the following: TX-427 [Rebel Variant], Speeder, ARC170, AT-RT, Pyke Transport, Pyke Hauler, and the V wing now) and are the only battalion and branch to be able to use ground and fighter vehicles without having to use 2 lives and join 2 battalions. Maybe work on balancing out your vehicles and working with all that you have instead of relying on just 1 or 2 at most. With us using different base maps you can really branch out and try different things with them.
    1 point
  5. - Support These models are honestly not that great, CG models have always seemed off in terms of body design, perportions (Neck, arms, legs, etc), and overall asethtic compared to other models on the server. The 2nd model that is purposed isn't even a Purge trooper, nor has any defining chararistics that show relations to the battlion besides the Airborne Helmet. Which is honeslty not a good enough reason. If you want to "Modernize" the battalions look, I would suggest looking into specialized or custom models for the different positions within the battlion (Enlisted, SGT, OFC, BRL, HVY, ETC) and bring them up to par with the rest of the Branches. I.E. Compared to the other battalion CMD team models (501ST, Shock, Medical, etc) the Purge CMD team seems to be bare bones and bland, with no defining features telling the CMDR, VCMDRs, and Officers apart besides pauldron color, unless we bring back the pauldron rule. This is possible, Your Field CMDR model and My Sentinel Model are proof.
    1 point
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