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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. What you want to see? - I'd like to see tac teams get another job added, which would be the role of a bomb defusal unit for each team. These teams would deal with planted bombs and defuse them in high-risk situations such as bank robberies, gen store robberies, and possible other scenarios. The bombs, which would be car bombs, would be able to be purchased by certain classes and only used during high-risk situations as to not permit over use/abuse of the items. Why should we add it? - We should add this because it would add another layer to rp situations. Presidential assassinations could be coordinated with car bombs, forcing Secret Service to make sure their vehicles are secure at all times. Bank and general store robberies could be heightened in danger with another layer of risk for tactical teams, having to make sure the area is clear and blocked off from possibly rigged vehicles. And finally, it would just generally add another way for criminals to plan and execute crimes in a creative way, creating more rp overall and fostering more of a role for tactical teams. What are the advantages of having this? - Criminals can create more elaborate schemes to pull off their crimes, possibly even finally having a distraction to get away from a raid while the police are focusing on a blown-up vehicle. Government will also benefit from having another role to train and prepare for, making tac teams vital in more situations. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone - criminals and government alike. Links to any content - Bomb suit: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=579592077 Car bomb SWEP: https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/2460
    1 point
  3. What is your in-game name?: TriGGs What is your steam name?: TriGGs What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:127659306 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I was a moderator on Gaminglight in 2016, but I was falsely removed by Valkyrie. I solved all those problems with SMT< but id like to come back to staffing here, and I'm willing to start from the community. What date did you start playing in the community? (roughly) September 2017 What date did you make your forums account? 17th Of September, 2017 Current rank on the server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not an RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? 2 Have you donated? Yes What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines: Yes Timezone: Eastern, but I stay on pretty late. Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I should be part of staff because I am an avid supporter of the server, and I want to help it grow and help players have the best experience. I love this community, and I've been here more than a year. I enjoy staffing and being on staff is never a problem or argument for me. I want to continue to keep the community free from issue and let players have the most enjoyable experience possible. I also believe I should be given this rank due to my previous experience, and wrongful staff removal. I was an active and diligent staff-member, and if given the chance, I would prove once again that I can be a valued member to the staff team and the community. If given the rank, I would make sure to stay active, staff as much as possible, and help the community further it's reputation as one of the best PRP servers on Gmod. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would start by trying to get them to calm down and try to handle the conversation civily. If they continue to act up, I will minge them and explain why I am doing so, and finally end with a warn for both the original offense and staff diss. If necessary or if the player starts to threaten the server, I will reach out to higher-ups to seek a possible ban.
    1 point
  4. DENIED You may reapply in 1 week, poor community feed back // Increase activity
    1 point
  5. DENIED Seemed accidental, next time @Officer Pulloutski try to be more careful
    1 point
  6. +Support - Former Staff - Mature - Low warns - Experienced #NotMyDeputyCommissioner
    1 point
  7. October Accepted List LCPL Nickalus [ STEAM_0:0:39956041 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/02/18 LCPL Hoskins [ STEAM_0:0:70482191 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/02/18 LCPL Noah [ STEAM_0:0:125805658 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/02/18 LCPL Annie 1C63 [ STEAM_0:0:89813259 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/06/18 LCPL SupremeChow [ STEAM_0:0:77484257 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/06/18 LCPL Squibs [ STEAM_0:1:58160743 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/06/18 LCPL Ersem 1D98 [ STEAM_0:0:34330182 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/11/18 LCPL Ryan 1A77 [ STEAM_0:0:239192594 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/11/18 LCPL Emmu 1A62 [ STEAM_0:1:88078539 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/11/18 MSGT Jimmy Reggs [ STEAM_0:1:206859998 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/12/18 LCPL Ghostly 1A45 [ STEAM_0:0:60269264 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/14/18 CPL Timmemes [ STEAM_0:0:154179583 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/14/18 MSGT Billy 1A54 [STEAM_0:1:197479140] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/20/18 LCPL James Kurgen [ STEAM_0:1:197136217 } Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/22/18 SM Mjay 1A78 [ STEAM_0:0:444867301 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/26/18 SM Sull [ STEAM_0:1:195756612 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/26/18 CPL Umnom [ STEAM_0:1:196777734 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/29/18
    0 points
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