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Filler's Trial Senior Guard Application


Should I be accepted  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Yes if I should, no if I shouldn't

    • Yes
    • No
    • I don't even know who you are

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Q: What is your in game name?
A: Filler

Q: What is your in game rank?
A: Royal Guard VII

Q: Are you in either Shadow Guard or Saber Guard?
A: Saber Guard Incarceratus

Q: How long have you been in Royal Guard?
A: 05/03/2023 at 09:20am AEST

Q: Permissions? (REQUIRED: You must receive permission from 2 Lore Senior Guard+ to apply for officer}
A-1: Vice Sovereign Protector Ven Kennede (Red)
A-2: Lore Senior Guard Sord (Caedes)

Q: Why do you want to become a Trial Senior? [150+ words]
A: I wish to become a Trial Senior Guard so that I can further help out Royal Guard. I have been active whenever possible, though this activity may slow down because of school and being an Australian, but still, even with Officer Quota being higher, I am still willing to try and over achieve that goal. I also would like to support the this battalion in any way, shape or form to the best of my ability to ensure the engagement and enjoyment of all members, and being a Trial Senior Guard can help me improve these things. 
As a Trial Senior Guard, I can show my leadership skills to Command and provide assistance to not only the Cadets, but also the NCOs from learning the rights from wrongs. The job also enables me to efficiently issue orders and communicate with VIPs during critical situations, as well as allowing me to talk to troops that are causing issues with ease. Effective communication is crucial for a strong Officer team and a fortified battalion in the long run. I am committed to giving more than one hundred percent to assist the battalion in any way possible. My eagerness to assist is the primary reason for my interest in becoming a Trial Senior Guard.

Q: How could you assist Royal Guard command with this rank? [100+ words]
A: My aim is to support the command team by always following their orders and organizing regular training sessions and simulations with the Royal Guard. I will strive to overachieve my monthly quota unless I am on LOA. Furthermore, I will host SOP training/quizzes for both cadets and NCOs, with a bit more focus on the NCOs to ensure they are ready for higher demanding ranks. I will also host assassination SIMs from time to time to train them in saber discipline, usage of saber, and effective hunting techniques (which is a necessary skill for becoming Saber Guard and Shadow Guard).

As an officer, I will ensure that everyone follows the rules of the Royal Guard and will hand out punishments when necessary. Before promoting anyone, I will ensure that they are worthy of the rank and ready to take on higher responsibilities. This includes evaluating their ability to follow orders, level of activity, and leadership skills if they are an NCO. My goal is to maintain a healthy battalion that is capable of performing tasks unique to their skills and abilities.

Q: How many strikes do you have?
A: N/A

Q: Do you have any prior experience in being an Officer? (If yes, explain)
A: Sort of, I have never been an Officer in GMod before, but I have had heaps of experiences as an Officer in other games and have several experiences as a Commanding Officer.

Q: What Qualifications could you bring too the Royal Guard Officer Team?
A: As stated above, I have knowledge of being an Officer as well as knowledge on guarding formations and general guarding rules. I am also a fast learner, decent leadership skills, well known, respectful, friendly, and most importantly, tries to be fun.

Do you understand that the officer corps is a serious commitment with a lot of responsibilities (Including but not limited to: handing out Promotions and Punishments, and required attendance to the weekly meeting)? Yes I do.

Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period? (Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion) Yes.


Centurion Guard | Saber Guard Lead Primus | Senior Moderator

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On 4/20/2023 at 3:26 PM, KimJongUn said:

++ MAJOR Support 






1 hour ago, Droz(Fish) said:

I remain neutral

Does complete quota
knows what he is doing

Needs some more experience leading


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