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Mark's PB Medic suggestion - Denied


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What you want to see? - Removal of the PB medic job ๐Ÿ˜ž

Why should we add it? -

So I have gotten on the EMS PB medic job before, it is fun. However this job has caused a great many issues for not only criminals, but police and staff. For starters when PB medics are on and I'm on police I always have bad experience's with PBs, I've waited up to 20 min just to arrest a guy for like 3 min. I'm not joking, they are either driving around looking at flowers or minging. I have called to PB medics multiple times over radio asking what they are doing and if they can revive a guy..... Nothing, I get almost no communication with them and the times I do, they are saying stupid shit over radio. Giving players a gov job that gets a radio and important responsibility's that alters how the server is played with no training goes about just as well as you would expect.


Now for criminals its about just as bad, I have died multiple times waiting up to 30 min for a PB medic to come revive me only to get nothing, now I wish I could just revive when PB medics are on but I cant since its fail RP, so I just have to pray that the medic can rub together more than five brain cells and figure out that when someone is dead they have to go revive them. If they cant manage that (most cant) then I gotta sit on my ass until I can respawn. So that just causes unnecessary waiting since they are never going to respond.


Now for staff,ย  ahahahah. I have taken so many sits by PB medics over really stupid reasons like this guy is annoying me, like bro, I'm not a therapist. Or I take sits and PB medics are marching into active shootouts reviving people like they are inย Hacksaw Ridge or some shit. So lord knows thats fun to deal with, ooo or when PB medics take OFCs on ride alongs, which is so fun to deal with since a gov job that requires no training can just spawn a vehicle and another that requires training cant.ย 


Moral of the story is that I dont mind normal EMS, they do pretty well. But holy god are PB medics some of the worst things to encounter in this game, some people bribe them to get off because thats how god damn annoying it is, anyways. Rant over, accept this or I ban you ๐Ÿ˜‰

What are the advantages of having this? - people can roleplay in situations and not worry about a PB medic forcing a 20 min break when they die.

Who is it mainly for? - Me

Links to any content -ย https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/Y6G6QG0s86qVt/d1337eXco2Ix?invite=cr-MSxlUzEsNTAxNzMxNzMs


Im aware everyone will have mixed opinions on this. Listen, the job is fun and makes a lot of money, but its just not worth the pain.

Police RP (retired): Staff | PD Major | SWAT MSGT

Imperial RP (retired): Naval Commodore | Staff & Gamemaster

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sooner or later l was about to make suggestion like that half of pb don't know what's going on or can't even drive and bunch of time they just minge either remove them or encrease there level requirement.

Edited by Antonio
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41 minutes ago, Antonio said:


sooner or later l was about to make suggestion like that half of pb don't know what's going on or can't even drive and bunch of time they just minge either remove them or ecrease there level requirement.



Im back


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49 minutes ago, Antonio said:


sooner or later l was about to make suggestion like that half of pb don't know what's going on or can't even drive and bunch of time they just minge either remove them or ecrease there level requirement.

do think this should happen, tho do know

nicc(ems chief) can do this in update.


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-support maybe put the level higher some people like to rp as ems and don'tย  have the activityย  to be in a department you shouldn't punish good roleplayers just because ofย  ย a little fail rpers plus there is staff for a reasonย  if some one abusesย  the job they get there whitelist blacklisted so there wouldn't really be a point of this..



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As an EMS LT I highly suggest this NOT to happen. I have gotten around 5 people in the past at least that have wanted to join EMS just from playing on PB for a short amount of time. EMS is already struggling as it is and with the removal of something that people could use to see how EMS is like, it can turn terribly wrong. As a member of the regular play base however, the PBโ€™s I sometimes see hurt my brain. Some are minges of which I try to help prevent to the best I can. Maybe raising the lvl would help or maybe where they have the SOP pop up for them to read to better understand the job may help. Either way, any people misbehaving in EMS (including PBโ€™s) please let command know as we could even deal with this a little as well. (If need be, my DMs are always open in discord if you have trouble with PBโ€™s or any other medics of EMS).

Mass - Support

Edited by RussTime

Currently:ย PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat,ย Support Advisor,ย EMS Chief Car 1,ย SL Boss (Family Head),ย PD COL 1L93,ย State CPT 1H05,ย CERT TL 1TL01,ย FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF CPL 1U21
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DMs are always openย (russtime)

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There are other changes that should be made to PB other then removing it.ย 


Former: Shadow Legacy Senior Commandย | S.W.A.Tย | PD Commandย | State Command | C.E.R.T Command |ย FBIย |ย SRTย |ย E.M.S Command

Former:ย Administrator for Police RP | Forums Diplomat

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17 hours ago, Antonio said:


sooner or later l was about to make suggestion like that half of pb don't know what's going on or can't even drive and bunch of time they just minge either remove them or ecrease there level requirement.


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I have personally weighed the positive and negatives and the positives strongly outweigh the negatives.

A good amount of EMS recruitments occur from PB medics hopping on the job. While there are a fair bit of minges, the numbers that we get are strong enough to keep it in place.

What I would personally recommend is having the level set from 20 to 35. This would hopefully weed out a good amount of the minges while still keeping the job populated. I will probably ask about this in our upcoming update.

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Chief of Policeย ||ย Police RP Super Admin


State Police Colonel ||ย EMS Chief || CERT Commander ||ย DOC Wardenย ||ย SRT Captain ||ย Head Dispatcher ||ย SWAT Sargeant First Class || DF CPL

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On 4/11/2023 at 9:05 PM, Antonio said:


sooner or later l was about to make suggestion like that half of pb don't know what's going on or can't even drive and bunch of time they just minge either remove them or ecrease there level requirement.



Ex 2iC of Shadow Legacy

Ex S.W.A.T. Co-Commander

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On 4/11/2023 at 9:05 PM, Antonio said:


sooner or later l was about to make suggestion like that half of pb don't know what's going on or can't even drive and bunch of time they just minge either remove them or ecrease there level requirement.


ย PD SMย |ย SWAT LTย | SL Consigliereย 

MLG Pro Negev playerย 



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