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106 pocket dimensions insta escape bug - Denied


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What are you suggesting: Fix the 106 dimension, people have suggested this before but they were denied for "Unspecified" Reasons which is kinda dumb but ok. The issue with 106 is widespread and ruins the entire scp, if it isnt fixed then you may aswell remove him from the game. Scp 106 is not taken seriously anymore, we can tell as he is now called the LCZ teleporter as a nickname. Their is a bug or a intended game design that allows you to escape his dimension 100% of the time. The way this is done is by looking at the roof, the roof of his dimension has triangles that point to where to escape. This bug has resulted in playing as him being pointless and a waste of time. Please fix this bug so I that people can play as 106 again, thank you. 

How will this negatively affect the server: No way at all, other than some pissed off mtf who cant deal with 106 in 15 minutes anymore.

How will this positively affect the server?: Makes 106 a actual playable scp, this is a major issue thats not getting much attention. Due to this you actually are not able to play him as you cant kill any players.

Edited by poopsniffgod
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