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Hunt's Senior Moderator Application - Accepted


Should I be promoted?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be promoted?

    • Yes
    • No

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What is your in-game name?:

  • Hunt or HuntR

What is your steam name?:

  • [GL] Hunt

What is your steam ID?: 

  • STEAM_0:0:103322714

Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)

  • Gaminglight (Current)
    • Tmod-Moderator
      • With one week as a trial moderator and a little over a month as a Moderator I have expanded my gaminglight experience quite expansively. My first week as a full moderator I was in the number one position for staff of the week. This was due to the video coming out about gaminglight. The massive influx of trolls and hate crimes committed to the players caused me to have to stay on the whitelist for the entire week. I ended up with around 130 sits I believe and that was just from tickets. If you added the people that were not apart of tickets then it would be 200+. I have grown to enjoy the staffing features and systems used by the community. I feel that I have made an impact in this position and will continue to do so in all other positions as well as my current one. 
  • My staffing experience is quite extensive. so much so that it would take a very long time to list all of it out, so I will summarize. (Past Positions and Experience)
    • Icefuse Networks
      • Icefuse was my most recent project. I worked quite hard for them for some time before resigning from the community early 2022, due to several factors. I held many different positions as well as had many jobs during my time.
      • Tmod-SNRmod
        • Due to it being my first time staffing in quite some time I started at the rank of tmod. After a week I was a mod and it did not take me long at all to reach senior mod. Due to my quick work and dedication to their community I reached SNRmod after about 2-3 weeks of mod. Icefuse requires all staff to be in a subdivision of staff called trainer. Trainer had a rank structure. Trainer member, officer (5-8 people out of 50-80), lead (1-2 people) and then Manager (1 person for the entire server). At the rank of mod I was promoted to officer and at SNRmod I was promoted to lead. I ranked up the fasted anyone had in trainer to date.
      • Admin-EA
        • I spent the most of my time as Admin of Imperial. Admin was a hard rank to get past considering we had no active DVL on the server so there was a clog in the system. I reached admin after about 3 weeks of senior mod. I was promoted to trainer manager the same week. I worked very hard as an admin and achieved EA after about a month and a half. 
      • Trainer Manager
        • I was promoted to trainer manager as an admin. All trainer managers besides me were Head Admins, but I was just a base admin already getting the rank. I ended up severing the longest term out of any manager for trainer until my resignation in 2022. I was one promotion away from being pulled off of Imperial and becoming an Affairs Executive of Ice fuse Networks (Higher then manager of gaming light) During my time as TM I created the largest and most efficient trainer team in the entire community of servers. My team was recommended by the executives weekly.  I hosted 3 large meetings a week as TM for my department.
      • Head Administrator
        • All of my hard work finally paid off when I was selected to become a head admin of icefuse. I was assigned different jobs during my staff in this position, but I will summarize the main responsibilities. I was assigned two departments (Consisting of 2-4 regiments) to manage for the server. I conducted staff interviews and read and approved all the staff applications. I was the Head lead for ban appeals and player reports. All ban appeals for the server went through me and I either reduced, denied or accepted all appeals. I also conducted small roleplay interviews for the community as well as hosted the weekly staff meeting if the sector lead and DVL were not able to make it.
      • Sector Lead (Gaminglight Head of staff equivalent)
        • After a few months as a HA, I was given a chance to become a sector lead. This rank was very hard to get due to the community only allowing 1-2 maximum at a time. During my time a sector lead I basically worked a job. I had thousands of docs to approve. I had 4 offices that I hosted meetings with daily. I rank 50% of the server and the other sector lead ran the other 50%. It was a very long and hard time, but I loved every second of it.
      • Division Leader (Gaminglight Manager equivalent)
        • Due to personal events and some actions that happened internally in icefuse networks I resigned from the community after serving a few months as sector lead. I was second in line for the position of Division leader when I left. SMT was my home, I loved running the community more than anything in the world to be honest. I miss it a lot, that is why I am attempted to climb the ranks to SMT here for gaming light. 
    • Imperial Roleplay
      • On this server I started from a ST went to Scout commander, then to Gamemaster. I worked from being the smallest Gamemaster on the server to their most well known, then becoming the Server Manager for the Imperial RP division. I ran the server for a while recruiting new admins and GMs, until finally leaving about a year and a half later due to issues with the owner.
    • First Community
      • The first community I worked for on gmod was years ago. It was a VERY popular server and we had 70-100 people on daily. I started off as a tmod and ranked up to community advisor (gaminglight head of staff equivalnt) and server about a year in that postion. I will not go super into detail about this community due to it no longer existing for the past few years. I resigned before its downfall, but 2-3 years after I left they did shut it down.
    • Other ventures
      • I've been moderator/admin for several communities over the years from Dark RP to Clone Wars to Harry Potter, I've done it all. Worked for companies such as NewAgeGaming, StarByStar, as well as others. I have also Co owner and managed a network of star wars RP servers years ago.

What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)

  • January of 2023 for Police RP. A few years ago for SCPRP as well as ImperialRP.

What date did you make your forums account? 

  • January 17th, 2023

Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?

  • Platinum / Moderator on PoliceRP. 

How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)

What rank are you applying for?

  • Senior Moderator

Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?

  • I am not staff on any other communities.

Have you read the staff guidelines at? You will be tested on it:

  • Yes I have.


  • Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): 

  1. Trumpo (Lead Admin)
  2. BruceyBoyo (Lead Admin)
  3. Kitty (Super Admin)

Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

  • I believe I deserve this rank for many reasons. First off is my dedication to the community thus far. I have spent a lot of time trying my best to help every section of the community that is possible. Whether that be in-game or out of the game. Even when I am not online I try to give feedback to all sectors of the community through forum posts and discussions. I truly have found enjoyment in my time here and am working towards advancement. While my activity has been spotty the last week or two this was a combination of a College related LOA, as well as me coming down with COVID. Now that I am back, I am better then ever and ready to help out where I can. I believe that granting me a chance at senior moderator would also benefit the server. This would allow me to not only help more players, but to act as more of a mentor the the trial mods and moderators on the server, as well as the community. It would also be nice to advance slowly towards admin, in order to be granted the permissions to delete props, etc. to better fit the needs of the players. While I mention it more then some people enjoy, I think my prior experience to gaminglight does show off my skills in some light. While I can not rely on it for my advancement in this community, it shows my capabilities combined with the work I have done here thus far. I have worked in very high server management positions and know the ends and outs of most anything when it comes to managing players, forums, servers, etc. I think that I can be a large help in the development of the server and staff team as time goes on. I think that I have proved my abilities during my time as a moderator and hope to be given a chance at the next positions to reinforce those ideals. I have no wish of holding a staff rank just to have it, I hold these ranks to help better the players of this community and to enhance their roleplay experience as much as I can. 

How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

  • The first actions depends on if this was a ticket created  by a player, or if it was a spotting while I was on duty. If I was on duty, then I would grab the individual and bring them on top of a roof to create distance from them and the players. If they would not sit still, want to jump off, or even shoot then I would freeze said individual. If this was a ticket I would first switch to staff on duty and do !admin then to accept the ticket. After speaking with the person on the issue I would teleport the individual. If they will not sit still or try and shoot the person who made the ticket they will be frozen. Most situations they end up frozen due to the fact you know they will try and "Go out with a bang." The next steps are the same no matter how the situation starts. If the person is cursing at me and refuses to allow me or the others in the sit speak, then they will be gagged for the duration of the sit, only allowing them to type. This would give me time to go over the combat logs and speak with the people involved. I would also check the persons prior bans/warns and see if actions like this have happened before. After it is found that the person is guilty of Mass RDM, I would give them a warning, then call for a higher rank staff member for the ban. I would make sure that if they committed other acts in the process that I would list them all in one warning, for example MRDM | Staff Dis | Player Dis | FailRP | LTAP, etc. After the ban I would confirm with the people that placed the ticket(s) that the situation is resolved and then send them back to roleplay closing the issue. 
Edited by HuntR


Former: Shadow Legacy Senior Command | S.W.A.T | PD Command | State Command | C.E.R.T Command | FBI | SRT | E.M.S Command

Former: Administrator for Police RP | Forums Diplomat

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•Seriously just look at this application.

• They have an enormous amount of experience and they show it.

• By far one of the best applications I’ve seen for staff in a long long time. Regardless of what rank it’s for.


Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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11 hours ago, Jacstur said:


•Seriously just look at this application.

• They have an enormous amount of experience and they show it.

• By far one of the best applications I’ve seen for staff in a long long time. Regardless of what rank it’s for.

I agree HEAVILY with this! Huge +Support just for the app alone! Unfortunately.. you forgot the poll 🤣❤️

Edited by Keuka

Keuka UMC

After Dark kinda guy 

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20 hours ago, Jacstur said:


•Seriously just look at this application.

• They have an enormous amount of experience and they show it.

• By far one of the best applications I’ve seen for staff in a long long time. Regardless of what rank it’s for.

This app is like a JMT application, + Support all the way

Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT TL 1TL01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF CPL 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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13 hours ago, Jacstur said:


•Seriously just look at this application.

• They have an enormous amount of experience and they show it.

• By far one of the best applications I’ve seen for staff in a long long time. Regardless of what rank it’s for.


Currently: SL Advior  PD SGT 1A49|


Discord name:jaychavez

Steam Id:STEAM_0:0:457987346

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On 3/24/2023 at 3:13 PM, Jacstur said:


•Seriously just look at this application.

• They have an enormous amount of experience and they show it.

• By far one of the best applications I’ve seen for staff in a long long time. Regardless of what rank it’s for.


+Support never had a bad interaction with you 

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This guy has been an excellent staff member in the recent months. He has shown the initiative and drive to actually want a promotion. Not listing names but some staff don't even grab reports, Hunt spends more time on staff than he does on roleplaying classes.

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On 3/27/2023 at 8:16 PM, Andre said:

• Well-written application
• Past experience with staffing
• Ready for Senior Moderator


~ Shadow ~ Azrael ~ Military RP Beginnings Veteran

GL 10 Year Veteran "The Last Remaining Spetsnaz"  Former Wardog Super Admin / Admin MilitaryRP



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Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team!

You have been accepted into the team, and we would love to speak with you! Please contact a Head of Staff within the next 48 hours to claim your tags and be trained, unless other instructions have been given to you. 

Thank you, and we look forward to working with you!

~PoliceRP Senior Management Team


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