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Command Position Limitation Suggestion - Denied


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Before this post is -1 bombed with "They earned their positions, etc etc" read the post and form your own opinion


What you want to see? -

  • A hard cap added for positions allowed to be held by a single player for both low command and high, rather then just the current high command limit.
    • A person may hold up to One High command combined with one low command position at a time. 
    • If a person holds no high command positions they may hold 2 low command positions at a time. 
      • This means an individual can only be command in 2 of the following at a time.
        • State, PD, FBI, SWAT, SRT, etc.
      • If said individual wishes to take on a command position in another branch, the must resign from one of the two currently being held.
    • This rule would not apply to command positions in sub departments
  • I am open to excluding EMS from this rule
    • This is not because I am EMS Command, I would be fine if this was one of my two. It is due to the fact of EMS being excluded from the previous high command rule.

Why should we add it? - 

  • Improvements within Command
    • More diverse command team within departments due to less spots being taken by semiactive command members.
  • Activity from Command
    • When a player holds 3-5 command positions within several departments it can lead to reduced activity in certain places.
    • If someone is Low command in FBI, SWAT, PD, State, and others. Will they be giving their worth to all of those battalions?
  • Promotions
    • In the end a command member that does not actively play on a whitelist should not be coming to a meeting dictating the promotion of other players at which they do not supervise on most occasions. 
  • Reasoning
    • There is no reason for one person to be command in so many departments. It adds no benefit for the department in the end. It would be healthier for the department and the player for their to be a limitation.

What are the advantages of having this? -

  • In the end it comes down to this. A person should be dedicating their time to a few projects at a time to really give it all of their time and effort. There is a reason that some departments on the server are currently dying if not already dead. It is hard to join a department that all of the command never play on the whitelist. Their also should not be players that I can join any department on the server and they are still my command team. Most departments have a hard cap on certain positions and these command members are holding those positions from others.
  • This is in NO WAY a target towards certain members of the community. I am suggesting a reform to the current processes of the server for the betterment of the battalions on it. 

Who is it mainly for? - Government

Links to any content - N/A


I know this post will be -1 bombed by vet players that hold several positions, but this is my view on the current issues of the server that I have noticed during my time here.

Edited by HuntR


Former: Shadow Legacy Senior Command | S.W.A.T | PD Command | State Command | C.E.R.T Command | FBI | SRT | E.M.S Command

Former: Administrator for Police RP | Forums Diplomat

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Its a bit sad since I know some can handle it but I've seen over time people will get a position that is higher in one department and just ignor their other ones. With the same excuse that I used at one point which is I just don't have time right now but I will eventually. Eventually only comes after resigning from one of the positions you hold so you actually have time. 

Also just making you aware HRT is a sub not a main.

Edited by [GL] Locus

Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

Current Positions: SRT Member spacer.png


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Low command activity is something managed by the departments EHC, if you feel this is not enforced effectively, contact PD EHC, not SMT. On top of this, if they deserve the position, its up to that departments EHC if they should be low command. You also did not address what should happen to people who currently hold 3 or more command positions. People who don't maintain proper activity in a department shouldn't be what limits people from getting command. also you mention a diverse command team, command is very diverse if you look at the rosters, and some people wanna diversify the departments they are in. Also I'm not gonna claim anything but I find it curious that you are "open to excluding EMS from this rule" and it just so happens that you only hold one command position, and that's in EMS. I understand this is an issue for some people but this is to much, harsher enforcement of activity and participation by command will do the trick. 

Edited by Mark001

Police RP (retired): Staff | PD Major | SWAT MSGT

Imperial RP (retired): Naval Commodore | Staff & Gamemaster

Military RP (retired): USMC Captain | DI LT | kamikaze pilot

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Most People who work for their department Ranking, As Mark previously stated this is more an EHC Issue rather than an SMT issue, Honestly in my PERSONAL opinion i think PD should be the Exemption only because that's the baseline for joining most sub departments (INCLUDING EMS) which you so stated that should be exempt which i also feel shouldn't be part of the suggestion either as (from my knowledge) you have to be SNR+ In PD to join so its sorta a (Sub Department) philosophy as well.

I do however agree sometimes you can see someone not be active at all as a command role when they are Command in Multiple Departments however that is more of a HC issue for that department and EHC of PD Rather than a SMT issue.

Edited by Parkar
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