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Nco application


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What is your in game rank and name: Crewman in naval and ssgt in 501st, Nico.

What is your STEAM ID?: STEAM_0:1:237558683

How long have you been in Naval: I was in naval until i got kicked out for my ban but i joined again at the beginning of the week so probably 2 or 3 weeks

Why do you wish to become a Junior Officer: I want to join sf

What are the duties of a Junior Officer?: giving sector assignments and making sure enlisted complete their sector assignment, host trainings or sims, and host 3 tryouts a week.

How will you assist the battalion as a Junior Officer?: I am very active, I also already have some NCO experience in 501st so i wont be new to being a NCO,and I also host tryouts frequently even if i'm above quota because I want more people to join naval.

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I've Seen This Person On alot and seems to be a ok person, Been apart of Naval for a while, Active for the most part.


Application is short and Answers are effortless, Just seems like another NCO nothing about the Application stands out to me currently.

Overall - Support for now
Would love to see you be a NCO one day just got to give it my time and more effort into the Application

Currently- Naval Midshipman (CSM)
Used To Be- 501st SGT, Shock SSGT, Nova SSGT, Medical SGT, Gamemaster,

Edited by RB TVgaming

501st Phase Zero AL

501st Officer 

(EX) Medical Officer Nova Officer Naval Officer Shock NCO Purge NCO

(Fordo's Pookie)

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- support
hes been really mingy and has been asking for promos

Currently SO Ensign

| Current Naval  Deputy Director Of SO Commander | | Current Senior Moderator, Support Member, Game Master|  | Former Saber Guard Armatus |

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- support

- you havent had a good light on you so far

-you have been mingey

- havent really done anything that would make you seem like a good NCO

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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