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Katie's Staff Application- Denied


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What is your in-game name?:  Katie

What is your steam name?: Lime

What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:466939023

Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes I do have experience with staffing, I used to be a Moderator on the server previously before I had resigned to focus on my regiment, now that I am ready to full commit to the server and the staff team once again.

What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Around February 2022

What date did you make your forums account? February 4, 2022

Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Apprentice

How many warns do you have on the server? 0

Have you donated? Yes.

What rank are you applying for? Possibly Moderator again if I can get re-instated, but if not I'm happy to be Trial Moderator again.

Have you read the staff guidelines at

You will be tested on it: Yes, I have read it and I will continue to read it every week to ensure I am kept up on everything.

Timezone: BST 

Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A

Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length): I believe anyone can be deserved of a rank if they are mature enough, It's not about experience or if they have been staff before, its if the person is willing to be apart of a team and keep their powers in check and not abuse them, that's a person who deserves to be apart of the staff team. And I proved it once before that I can be an asset to the staff team, I want to be that once more.

How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: First of all, attempt to de-escalate the situation, ensure the player who was Mass RDMing is frozen so they cannot attempt to kill the victim who made the report. Then inform the player who was Mass RDMing that if they continue cursing at me they will either be muted or gagged (depending on their method of communication) and inform them that I will be bring an Admin+ to issue a warning an a 5 day ban for Mass RDM.



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- Support

- I dont agree with your second to last question response

- In your answer to why you deserve rank, you didn't tell us why you specifically, the only area you stated was that you once were an asset apparently, however, you don't explain in what capacity and how you were asset.

- Seem like you just want the rank

--Post my response--

Was dm'd afterward

Edited by Gary Maxed
DMd for -support response

- Gary Maxed -

- Current ImperialRP: ISB Junior Operative & Moderator -

"You can't handle the truth!"

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