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Nu7 WO Application-Akuto


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Your name on the roster: Akuto


Your current rank (SGT+ is required to apply): SM


You understand if we accept this you will have a 2 Week evaluation period where we will judge your activity and watch you closely? This should never be no: 

Yes I understand

Do you have any warns on SCP-RP? If so, please say when they were, and why. You can check warns with !warns: 

I have warn for rdm/mrdm in June because I was new on gensec, and failrp in July. Both of these were from when I first started on the server.



Why should we trust you as a Command Member? (100+ Words): 

Since I have a little more experience on the server now, I think I can be trusted more. When I first joined the server, I was way worse and minged a lot, but I learned from the guidance of a person that I have to be more mature and professional, so I try to cut off on minging more than I use to and I think I have done a decent job of that. I try to be as active as I can and I will stay active and try to motivate other Nu7 to get on the server and sending pings to hopefully get some people on the server. I will try to be a great example for Nu7 and show other branches that we are strong and mighty. If you give me a chance, I will try to be as professional as I have to and I will be a great representative of Nu7.

Why do you believe you deserve this position, and why do you want it? (125+ words): 

I think I could do a really good job as command, and I will focus on task that will help benefit the branch. I will also bring great activity to command, and I will try to be a great FTO and get tons of trainings in. I have more experience on the server now, so I know a lot more about the rules and I can enforce them to make sure that people don't violate rules. I can be professional when needed and will be completely professional for command work. I will bring determination and perseverance to the command of the branch and make good decisions. I want to leave a really positive example for the enlisted and NCOs. If I get command, I will try to motivate FTO trainings and being active so that Nu7 can be large and strong. If you choose me for command, I am going to try my hardest to have a roster that has a lot of people like E11. I will bring activity and professionalism to command and hopefully be a big part of the future of this branch.

Why do you feel that you are the best option for the rank you are applying for? (50+ Words): 

I think I am the best option for this branch because of several things. I think I have shown proper behavior and good activity because of getting into HTF. Getting into HTF proves that you are acting in a manner that does not get you striked or banned, and you act professionally on the job to not get removed. This is a goal that I was glad to accomplish and shows that I can be on my best behavior at important points. Nu7 needs more people in the enlisted area, so I'm going to try and train a ton to get are numbers up. I plan to mostly train on Saturdays because that is when the Gensec meeting is. If I can get a few Gensec each Saturday, then I think we could get a lot more people in Nu7. I plan to play a really good role in command and I think I'm a really good option for it.



You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take?: 

I would take my squad back to bunks because I want them to be out of roleplay when I am discussing something with this certain member. I will take this person somewhere isolated from everyone else or give them to another command member till I can return to them. The PFC will stay with me, and I will have a chat with them about what the issue is. I would try to reason with them and calm the situation down, but I would also give him a warning because you can't just release your frustrations on everyone else. If he keeps disrespecting others, I will give him another warning and be a little stricter and tell them that I will have to get higher ups if you keep disrespecting everyone else. If they continue after that, then I will probably contact a Senior or High command to deal with the issue.

You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation?:

The first thing I would do is talk to them about what the problem is because I am trying to get a better understanding of why they are doing what they are doing. I would take them to debrief and somewhere isolated so that I can talk to them. If we can see eye to eye, then I will try to be more lenient and give him a little verbal warning about not listening to higher ups and not following orders. If they continue to do the same thing, then I will give them another warning to stop because you can get in serious trouble for the behavior you are displaying. Finally, if they are not going to stop or just don't listen to the warnings that I am giving them, I will have to contact high command and tell them the issue about this person not listening. 

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+ Support

every week I see non stop good activity from this guy and I personally have never seen him do anything bad either not to mention this dude has been has been an SM for like a month now and to me that shows dedication. I think that given the chance Akuto would end up making a great WO for Nu-7.

-MAJ Purp

Edited by purple2005

Current: Director Of Containment

Previous: HSU Head/Nu-7 CMDR

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6 hours ago, purple2005 said:

+ Support

every week a see non stop good activity from this guy and I personally have never seen him do anything bad either not to mention this dude has been has been an SM for like a month now and to me that shows dedication. I think that given the chance Akuto would end up making a great WO for Nu-7.

-MAJ Purp

Big + support, deserves it the most from all the NCO's for sure

Username: Stryker

Status: Resigned

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12 hours ago, purple2005 said:

+ Support

every week a see non stop good activity from this guy and I personally have never seen him do anything bad either not to mention this dude has been has been an SM for like a month now and to me that shows dedication. I think that given the chance Akuto would end up making a great WO for Nu-7.

-MAJ Purp

Akuto is epic!!!

This is an alternate account for forums/profile/37110-schoodst/

(I am unable to sign into my steam account on certain devices)

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21 hours ago, purple2005 said:

+ Support

every week a see non stop good activity from this guy and I personally have never seen him do anything bad either not to mention this dude has been has been an SM for like a month now and to me that shows dedication. I think that given the chance Akuto would end up making a great WO for Nu-7.



RPName: Tank

Jobs:  Nu7 CPT/GOC CPL

Retired: Security 2LT,CI RnD CA, Sen Mod, Nu7 MAJ
Note: Tank - Sleep is for pussy

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- Believe he would make a greeat command
- Works hard on getting trainings

- Would be a great fit

- Cool dude

Nu7 CPT Nu7 DHFTO Head of Degeneracy | Former OH7 
HSU #1 
Ex Nu7 MAJ | Ex DHFTO | Ex HSU Commissar |

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