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Drey's Guardian application


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In Game Name: Drey

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:533626824

Discord ID: drey#3709

Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian

Current RP Ranks Held: SFC in security, SGT in CI, PFC in E11

 Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): Cecil during CI meetings

If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here:

How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): 0image.png.f44484165da868d5b2c9eee6f85d2aae.png

Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I would like to join RRH for more interesting game-play. I've been in most combatant branches, And as fun as it is shooting people, I get bored of my only goal being to shoot D-class or GOIs. I would like more variety and goals mixed in with the shooting; Though i am not entirely sure of everything RRH is able, and supposed to do beyond what the job descriptions provide, It looks much more interesting then current branches I'm in. Also they look pretty bad-ass, And I'd be lying if i said that wasn't one reason i want to join.

Why should we accept you: I think you should accept me because I'm pretty decent at shootin' stuff. Since most of my playtime on the server has been spent shooting people, I like to think I'm pretty alright at it! And it wouldn't be difficult to imagine that a more combat focused job could benefit from someone who can aim well! Another reason i believe i should be accepted into RRH is that i am pretty active! I try to get in at least 2 hours on the server each day. Finally i like to try and get other people to have as much fun as possible in this server, And i believe being in a higher position like RRH Guardian would allow me to better accomplish that goal.


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- Honestly, the only experiences I've had with him were very toxic. He could be joking at times, but I don't know him personally.

+ No warns

+ Good ranks

+/- Support, very iffy, but I'll see what others say.

Edited by TheAmericanMan22

Current:  Owner of "Freedom Fighters" CCPlatnium Donator Rank | Professional Gun Lover | Certified American


Former: SCP:RP Moderator | Security DHFTO 2LT American MTF NU7 SM Chaos Insurgency R&D AIN | Chaos Insurgency Military PVT |

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17 hours ago, TheAmericanMan22 said:

+ No warns

-/+ support that would be the only reason but i can see that you want to farther your time with us but we are not fully combat it would be good but you need to be mindful of what you say on and off the job you would be the epitome of Roleplay and should add more reason on why you think you will be good for RRH other than that you can shoot and kill very well that's a quality that most people can do maybe give a more lengthy on what you can bring to the team.  like are you good at tracking people and any possible GOI down or are you good at spotting possible hazards before they happen that is what you should think of what you can do to protect the site. ~RRH GAURDIAN Whiskey 63



D5 HFTO, Research RS DELTA-5 DHG9 COL 

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On 11/20/2022 at 11:53 AM, ACEE said:

-/+ support that would be the only reason but i can see that you want to farther your time with us but we are not fully combat it would be good but you need to be mindful of what you say on and off the job you would be the epitome of Roleplay and should add more reason on why you think you will be good for RRH other than that you can shoot and kill very well that's a quality that most people can do maybe give a more lengthy on what you can bring to the team.  like are you good at tracking people and any possible GOI down or are you good at spotting possible hazards before they happen that is what you should think of what you can do to protect the site. ~RRH GAURDIAN Whiskey 63


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Unfortunately, this application into the Red Right Hand Program has been denied. 
This can be due to Inactivity, Behavior Issues, or generally being unfit for Alpha-1 at this time.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

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