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Price's RFA Application


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In-Game Name: Price

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:87970827

Current Research Rank:  Senior Researcher

Foundation Test Log(s) (graded 8+/10 only):  

Your Operations Advisor Overseer, has informed you there is a group of insurgents collecting foundation data at a field operating base on the surface. They are armed and well secured. How would you approach it? (100+ words):  The key information to scout for is the type of threat, the number of threats, and the type of information they are gathering. Once there is an answer to those three questions, it is time to act. If there was a cyber breach, the first step would be to cut off their access to the information. The next step shouldn't be going in guns blazing, that would just waste foundation personnel and resources or even blow the whole operation. If the field operating base is enclosed within a building, amnestic or a type of toxic gas could be pumped in through the ventilation, effectively ending the threat and allowing Mobile Task Force (MTF) personnel equipped with gas masks to enter the operating base with little to no casualties from the foundation. If the base were open and outside, it would be a little bit more challenging to solve. The information would most likely be backed up somewhere within the foundations(should be avoided), so rocket-propelled explosives could be an effective course of action. The first step would be to set up a sniper team somewhere in clear view of the operating base to allow them to give effective callouts to the ground team. The first step would be to rocket the non-essential sections of the operating base to attempt to save the data as best as possible. Next, the sniper team would be able to pick off the higher-value targets (higher threat) while giving intel to the ground team, allowing them to clear the operating base with the utmost efficiency. This would allow the foundation to search the area to check if the insurgents have sent out any of the data. If data has been sent to another locations the recovery of that data would then take priority.

There is a strange SCP that calls himself the “targeter”. When the name of another individual is said within earshot of the “targeter” the “targeter” will teleport to the individual that has had their name said, and run off. How would you suggest the foundation approach apprehension and / or termination of this individual? (100+ Words):  Testing should be held off until we get a basic understanding of this object. The "targeter" is clearly sentient and likely a male due to the question stating "calls himself". This could lead to the question of how many are there and whether is there a female "targeter". The first step should be setting up a field observation site around the object to ensure the safety of individuals involved in this mission. Class-D personnel should be transported to the observation site and briefed on the few questions they should ask. First,  do not say someone's name or your own. Second, ask if the object is willing to work with the foundation. Next, ask if the object has the intent to harm. Lastly, ask if the object has any other abilities he didn't state before. The object could lie or just flat-out kill the Class-D.  However, for the sake of the question, the object answered the questions, but the truth factor is not known. The next step should be the transportation of the entity to an on-site containment cell. The room should be a humanoid containment cell fitted with cameras, soundproofing, and no internal speakers. The object should be fitted with a tracking device implanted under the skin, if it has skin, or around the object's neck. The containment door should be the airlock leading to a soundproof outer containment cell before entering a heavy containment cell door similar to the ones in SCP-173 containment. Further testing should happen on-site. The first test suggestion would be to,  place 2 Class-D with the same first name into the cell and have one of them say their name. This would allow us to see who the object would target in that situation and what the object does to the victim it teleports to. This could also test if the containment cell doors are able to hold off against the objects attempts to run away.

If the foundation is wanting to terminate this SCP we would first need to understand how the object's teleport ability works. This would allow us to place a class-D into the incinerator when it is powered off and have someone state said class-Ds name. The object would then teleport to the class-D and the incinerator should be powered on. Another option is to have a Class-D in a helicopter jump out while another person says their name. The object would then teleport to the class-D in the sky and fall to its death(hopefully).

An abandoned camp site has been discovered on the surface, hidden incredibly well within the brush. There are documents, newspaper scraps, as well as an old laptop with unknown data being transferred to a suspicious I.P. address. How do you react?
(100+ Words):
  The first step should be to recon the surrounding area to ensure nothing is watching the camp or someone hasn't set up traps around or on the site. Next, the documents, paper scraps, and laptops should be removed from the locations in case the owners return to that location. Once I am far enough away from the campsite, I would mark down the IP address on a notepad to save for later and attempt to stop any data from being transferred. If this was successful I would return to the foundation with the evidence I collected and get to work on tracking the IP. The IP could lead to almost anything, but for the sake of getting to a final resolution, the IP address leads to somewhere outside the foundation. The device linked to the IP address should be located and handled by Mobile Task Force personnel.

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Contact OA0 For Training/Debrief, Welcome To Research Field Agency (R.F.A).
OA0 GhOsT ~ Last Ordeal

Edited by Avalon Levi

 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God" ~ Isaiah 41:10
Currently: Head Of Research | HOSM Sub-Zero | Ghost OA0 Emeritus Professor | R.A.U  Grand Commissioner 
Former: Security 1LT | Medical Supervisor | Moderator | Event Team Member 965374741_Designsemnome(14).png.95821f8db19c49555eea551835e2a17e.png

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