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Buff limbdamage - Denied


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What are you suggesting? - Buff limbdamage to 50-75%

How would this change better the server? -  Make any gun with spread usable make people turning there side too you so you only hit limbs not so breaking to pvp it makes people happier 🙂

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No it would greatly improve combat so that guns with spread (shotguns) usable hell any weapons would be ok now as Head hotshot in ci it is SO HARD to promote hotshot when there is no point in using shotguns because if any pellets hit limb its over and with people running around like a chicken with there head cut off its GUARRENTED you are hitting limbs 95% of the time

Who would this change mostly benefit? -  E V E R Y O N E

Real Ass G
the sopranos smoking GIF

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-support skill issue. 


but i see what you mean, however i believe this is more of a hitbox/model issue rather than a damage code issue.

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15 hours ago, Yamato said:

-support skill issue. 


but i see what you mean, however i believe this is more of a hitbox/model issue rather than a damage code issue.

Yeah brotha  speed classes running around at mach 3 and so i cant hit head and shotgun spread is a total skill issue makes sense

Real Ass G
the sopranos smoking GIF

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On 11/15/2022 at 3:34 PM, Demon Dice said:


This has been talked about SMT would have to make a new hitbox for every model on the server to add limb dmg values. 

That isnt how that works 


Ex: RRH Guardian Delta 40 / CI CPT IC Project Ω Overseer VCMDR Fixer / Project Ω Squad Lead Niner

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Denied. The SCP-RP SMT has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.

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