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The Grand Receptionist- Warn Request- Denied


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1. Your In-game:

Klondu | Gladius

2. Your SteamID: 


3. The player's name in-game:

Researcher Settra | The Grand Receptionist

4. The player's steam name (If you know it):

Thrakecius - STEAM_0:1:41623712

5. What did the player do:

Force Abuse [FailRP?]x2 | RDM

6. Evidence (REQUIRED):


7. What do you believe should happen to the player:

This should be a formal warn. He also has over 11 warns on the server total, so there should be a ban involved here too, if he hasnt already served it.

8. Any extra information:

When pulled into a sit over this issue, the individual pretended to be AFK, which is why I am making this report. Also, after speaking with IQ command about this, They told me to remove his IQ apprentice whitelist, so that was done as well.

Current Royal Guard Vice Sovereign Sun Tzu

 "The Saber Guard Defense Force"

Former: Saber Guard Primus

Playing Star Wars GIF

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the clips says everything, there nothing to denied about it

Edited by ENT

                                            "That's that, and this is this."

                                                        Black Silence

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4 hours ago, ENT said:


the clips says everything, there nothing to denied about it


Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT 1LT 1CR01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF PVT 1U21
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DMs are always open (russtime)

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6 hours ago, ENT said:


the clips says everything, there nothing to denied about it

nothing more needs to be said +support

Edited by YaBoyScyther

Current: Imperial Commando's Vice Commander Fixer

Retired: Ω OSLD HS COL 1309 Niner Skirata Ω 1136 Darman SkirataΩ 3222 Atin Skirata First ever Deputy Hazard SupervisorLast Ever Demo Vice Lead - 501st ARCTRN 1SG Rusty 8509 - SF OFS Warrant Officer Rusty - IC Vice Commander 1140 Fixer Admin Rusty - IC OSLD MAJ 1309 Niner First Ever ISB:IA Junior Operative - Last Naval Agent Gideon Hask IF2 DT V07- DT CPT EL9 - DT SN04 - Shadow Guard VI Scythe -  Shock CPT Rusty                                                             



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7 hours ago, ENT said:


the clips says everything, there nothing to denied about it


| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
| Former Imperial RP Senior Administrator || Former Senior Forums Diplomat || Former Imperial RP Gamemaster VII || Retired 501st VCMDR |
season 1 duel of the droids GIF by Star Wars

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On 10/30/2022 at 7:48 PM, ENT said:


the clips says everything, there nothing to denied about it

He’s also being removed from IQ 


Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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The specified player will not be punished.

While he should not have force slowed you and it is FailRP, that does not give you justification to ARDM him. The proper approach is to contact his regimental command and file a report. He did not RDM you since you were the one who instigated the combat.

There will be no punishment issued since there are violations on both sides and I would rather not warn both of you for something silly like this.

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ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

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