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chineseman131 Forum Diplomat Application - Denied


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What is your staff rank and the server you work in?

M/scprp ex admin ex event team and ex support team and i got perms from piller to apply for forum diplomat

How often are you online on the forums?

Everyday including my work time and break time

Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat?

I believe that I have qualified for this position for a multitude of reasons. I am a all around well known member of the community. I have been trusted with multiple people trust to give and they trust me back. I use to be a admin on SCP-RP, Event team member and support team.

I have been staff for a long time, as well i have been remove from staff almost 2 months later i decide to come back be restart my career as a staff. I would like to extend my experience into becoming a forum diplomat. The experience I have gained from being a command member on 2 current branch helps in this. I also have experience dealing with the rest of the branches on SCP-RP and then i decide to support the entire forums post on the community. I have watched how other forum diplomats conduct. With all that said, I believe that I am qualified for this position of forum diplomat.

Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?

 I would consider myself to have good judgment. As my application say earlier, I'm active command in 2 branches and lot of experiences. With those experiences, I have acquire enough experience that I can say that I have good judgment. I am an moderator on SCP-RP as well as a LTCOL on MTF Epsilon-11 and a Major on General Security. The only reason I have acquired these ranks is from that good judgment and a great activity to show how active am i. Along with achieving this rank, you have to make a lot of hard choices. With the power that I hold LTCOL on E-11 i have to overseer all the LCMD members on their actitud and watch for their actions and as a MAJ on gensec i have to overseer and especially reviewing all the branch report to what kind of punishment should be hand out to the reported player, I must stay unbiased or neutral state at all times and still deal punishments to people that I consider friends or battle buddies. No matter who they are, I must give them a punishment who ever break the rules. There have been multiple occasions that I have had to give a warn, - support and ban to my friends. And all this punishment it will be how severity of the case is.

How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?

The first thing I would do when this kind of situation happens is message the player on the forum requesting to stop spamming. After messaging this user, I would find on the gaminglight tools where he got banfrom. Once I find out which is the server that he got ban, I would then message them with the link of the correct section to make the ban appeal and make sure to let the player know that he need to follow the format and if he don't follow the format the post will be consider denied automatically. If the user continued to do the same thing after explaining him how to do it correctly, I would hide their all the posts that the user is going to make and contact a head diplomat, sending evidence and explaining them the situation.

How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?
If I see two users argue over a warning or ban appeal I would send a forums diplomat message, contents of the message will include to leave all comments to + or - supports only and if you post something that is not + or - your post will be hide or erase. If the arguments included comments that were toxic I would then hide the post and contact the Advisor Diplomat if theres no Advisor on i will contact the Senior Diplomat and as a last resource i will contact the Head Diplomat. After all the attempts to try to stop the arguments don't work and they are continued past this point I would then lock the post and message the Head Diplomat on why I did this.

Thank you for reading my application hope you like it.

  • Heart-Eyes 1

Retired E-11 COL and EX GENSEC MAJ

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Good answers with a good application, has experience which is very good, however you are pretty inconsistent on the forums.

Overall it’s a + Support but I do recommend becoming active more often

Currently: PoliceRP Super Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, PD MAJ 1L93, EMS Chief Car 1, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, State CPT 1H05, CERT 1LT 1CR01, SL Boss (Family Head)
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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On 11/2/2022 at 12:07 AM, RussTime said:

Good answers with a good application, has experience which is very good, however you are pretty inconsistent on the forums.

Overall it’s a + Support but I do recommend becoming active more often


Former Lead Admin

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On 11/2/2022 at 6:07 AM, RussTime said:

Good answers with a good application, has experience which is very good, however you are pretty inconsistent on the forums.

Overall it’s a + Support but I do recommend becoming active more often


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  • Head of Staff


Unfortunately, your forums diplomat application has been denied.
You may re-apply next time applications are opened.

ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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