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Banko's Engineer Application


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In Game Name: Banko.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:599066110

Discord ID: banko123#7631 

Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Engineer.

Current RP Ranks Held: Research ADVR and NU7 PVT.

 Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): N/A

If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: N/A

How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): Six but three of them are from another server and another two are from a really long time ago none active.20221015215132_1.thumb.jpg.bfc55d072919e844271ea05b253295a3.jpg

Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I want to join as a RRH Engineer because I want to strategically place mines in certain places so CI/GOI will get caught in so they are no longer a threat to the facility. also I want to provide amour and health to all the people that I need I am need give amour and health to but I will not only but especially it to the Hoovy or as there actually called the [REDACTED] because as the RRH our main task is to serve protect the Redacted people/items in our facility. I'm also wanting to join RRH because I want to do my duties and follow any and all order given from the Hoovy no matter what the orders are if I'm told to find a spec of dust in the corner of the CI base I will do it if the Hoovy abandon the entire foundation I will fallow because as long as I'm in RRH that is my duty, and that's why I want to join.

Why should we accept you: I feel you guys should allow me to be in RRG because I will be one of your most loyal RRH you will have access to and because it would be an honor to work among side the Hoovy and fellow RRH. I would also like to join because I will do my best I possibly can and not stop until I think that I no longer in the RRH, and I will not mess up once and if I do I will be extremely disappointed and embarrassed in myself. I think I should be let in because I will be on RRH close to everyday and if I'm will not on for more than two day I will defiantly make a LOA I will not put slack reasons like I don't want to use my computer for 10 days because I do understand that it can get straining but, I would at most take 3 days off so I hope that this is enough righting to get in to the legendary RRH but, if it isn't I truly understand and I will try better. 

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On 10/24/2022 at 12:05 AM, Banna-Bred said:

-support I have heard some oddly off things about you, like MTF blacklist and you also have really low ranks, plus you are not even in the branches that correlate with the engineer job.


On 10/18/2022 at 10:09 AM, Trizium said:

- Support, From what I have seen in-game you've been very obnoxious to me and other people and I don't believe people like that should have such a job like this one.




D5 HFTO, Research RS DELTA-5 DHG9 COL 

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On 10/18/2022 at 9:09 AM, Trizium said:

- Support, From what I have seen in-game you've been very obnoxious to me and other people and I don't believe people like that should have such a job like this one.


On 10/18/2022 at 4:55 AM, FeaR x Green Pikachu said:


Sorry to be that guy, but you gotta be medical or engineer to actually be engineer


Current: Medical Command (Surgeon)

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