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Hacker / Exploiter Ban Request- Accepted

Aaron Faustin

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Your in game name: Aaron Faustin 

The player's in game name: Seppy

The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:634898756

What did the player do: Hacked or Exploited to gain access to the inside of our base and blew up our printers and killed Simpington. Also Dissed BOS Family in chat while doing it.

*** Hacking/Exploiting (Whichever SMT decide it was), RDMx1, ARDMx1, FailRP, Player/Family Disrespect, NITRP, LTAP (Also changed name before disconnecting, probably in an attempt to hide his trail)


Evidence (required):

Clip of my POV:


Screenshot of Family Disrespect:


Screenshot of player sticking through the ground shooting at Simpington:


Screenshot of player changing name right after being killed by me: ( This also shows the player originally changing their name from BTC Doyte. I believe that this was their original RP name.)


Screenshot of the player leaving the server right after changing name:



What do you believe should happen to the player: This person should be Permanently Community IP and Hardware Banned.

Any extra information: Simpington and i believe that this is the same individual who has done this multiple times in the past (Including yesterday) and continues to come back on alts to target certain individuals and families.


After looking at Galaxy's player report i've realized that this is the same individual.

Edited by The Bats


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  • Aaron Faustin changed the title to Hacker / Exploiter Ban Request


      Yes I was there so it may seem bias; however, I do have my own POV of this situation (Link down below.) This guy has been hoping on ALT accounts for a week now doing this to us. They destroyed our stuff 4 or 5 times in the past week by glitching or hack under our base to destroy our stuff. 


       Another thing to look at is Galaxy's post 4 hours prior to this post as he is reporting the same player because it has the same SteamID but a different name. If you want to check that post here's the link: 

So Things you guys should know: Phil banned a guy yesterday who I believe is the same guy for 1 year. The guy whom Phil banned did the exact same thing around the same time. 

One final thing before I post my clip. When this guy starting shooting at me he had crazy knockback and had me pinned against the wall where I couldn't move. You could argue the printer that blew up near me pushed me but if you look closely the printers that I had to blow up just to kill this guy never pushed me. It was only then when he started shooting me was when i was stun locked against a wall.

My POV: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/CQxVkXw5-xEIM/d1337sdMHBxU?invite=cr-MSxYT1csMzc1MTM3MjIs

Thank you for taking your time and looking over this post.

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