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Nu7 WO Application - Solid

Solid Steps

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Your name on the roster: Solid


Your current rank (SGT+ is required to apply): SGT


You understand if we accept this you will have a 2 Week evaluation period where we will judge your activity and watch you closely? This should never be no: Yes


Do you have any warns on SCP-RP? If so, please say when they were, and why. You can check warns with !warns: Nope



Why should we trust you as a Command Member? (100+ Words): 

You folk have given me a love for MTFs and especially Nu7. Genuinely, I don't think I could have much fun anywhere else on this server, so to say I don't wanna risk myself by screwing up this is an understatement. However, regardless of how much I explain why you should trust me, I can't do much besides show it. If you refer to activity logs, I'm on rather frequently for extended periods of time, as Nu7 is my only branch I play. Additionally I don't believe I've done anything to give CMD a reason to not trust me, my background should reflect this as well. Also, KV-2 supremacy.

Why do you believe you deserve this position, and why do you want it? (125+ words): 

I'm not here because I think I deserve this position. I say I deserve it shows a level of expectation, like the application is a formality, a request to give me what I am owed. I'm here because I want to assist this branch and progress in it. While yes, from my current position, I can assist the branch via my normal methods (FTO, GENSEC interaction, etc), I feel that I can expand my reach of assistance by joining command. You see, when building an experience for a person, personal connection to it is essential. As there is no story here to latch onto, the people are the personal experience. You'll never forget the guy who looked at you as a LCPL, said "hey, you'd make good Nu7 material", then recruited you and gave you your first promotion as a step up. Experiences with command and breaking of the supremacy cycle make long term members, it makes people who will give you 6-9 months of their time just so they can do to others what they did for you. I don't want to drag on much further, as this is melding into the other question.


Why do you feel that you are the best option for the rank you are applying for? (50+ Words): 

It's quite simple, I am here to give others fun. I know that seems general but when you sit there and think about it, isn't that command's job? To orient the branch in a way that allows for fun, organized gameplay. I'm not here for the rank or power behind WO, if that was the case I would go to GENSEC and climb those ranks much easier. I'm here because I think I can leave lasting marks on people, marks that will carve Nu-7 into their minds forever.



You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take?: 
A big thing to realize is that a lot of this is caused by frustration and anger for things that are beyond the person's control. First, get his attention. Then, the main objective is to figure out what's wrong, where the anger is coming from. If he's frustrated because of CI, it's simple. Explain to him that CI are stronger because we're skilled fighters and spawn right here, and that the anger is better used against CI while working alongside his Nu7 brothers. If it's for an IRL reason, strongly recommend he take a break to calm down. If the toxicity continues and gets excessive, propose a strike and follow through as needed.


You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation?:

A face to face talk is always the best way to go first. If no one else is seeing it, it may be a personal issue which doesn't warrant a strike or discipline. So talk to the person and see the problem and ask other CMD members if they're experiencing similar things. If they aren't, all he needs to know is that he doesn't need to like me but there has to be mutual respect and professionalism for the sake of the foundation. If other CMD members are experiencing it and not striking because they believe it's isolated, make it clear that is isn't isolated and handle it appropriately.

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