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How does SCP 049 check for the pestilence


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How does SCP 049 check for the pestilence???

Hypothesis: The only way to cure one with the pestilence is to kill them 

What my answer was ( As 049 told me this is how to cure )


1. Perform a test on the subject,  tests include blood test, urine test, eye dilation, BPM test and much more.

2. Ask subject if they are feeling sick, tired, anxious, sad, basic feeling, or numbness, or are experiencing a headache or fever. ( Signs of the pestilence )

3. 049 says " If anyone else is able to cure the pestilence, they MUST be with him at ALL TIMES " ( If there are multiple instances of people / anomolies that can cure the pestilence I they for now shall be marked as " Cures 1 - ___ )


Conclusion: My hypothesis was WRONG because when he touches said person with the pestilence, all life in them will cease to exist then he will perform a surgery to bring said person back to life as someone that's " cured ".


Below is my draft

Screenshot (71).png

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Test idea - 15/25- Decent overall question for 049 however I've seen it done before.

Grammar - 10/25- There are unneeded extra question marks and there are missing full stops along with a spelling mistake. 

Presentation/format - 5/25- I like how you uploaded your test to the computer however make the actual test on a google doc for neat presentation. 

Quality/length - 5/25- Extremely short and looks messy.

Overall : 35/100- Work upon presentation, grammar and length of document.

 FORMER:  Foundation Doctor , RFA SIC/OA1 , SEC SFC, WD-V Eqvites Antonius MONK CI DHLS , CI SM , RRH Analyst , D5 MSGT , Maintenance ME

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