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SCP-173/SCP-999 Crosstest


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Imagination: 13/25 | I get where you're coming from with this, but it feels like you could have done more with a cross test. Obviously lower ranks have more restrictions, but still maybe go a bit further, include a second test inside the document, something to just flesh it out a bit more.

Writing: 15/25Well, for starters the lack of commas. Now this isn't a big thing, but as your English Teacher probably said: they help divide sentences into shorter bits, making them easier to read. The lack of clinical tone is also not great, as this can feel like a polite text to a friend rather than a formal document in some areas.

Aesthetic: 20/25 | Can't really complain, default format. You did appear to forget the small "DATE" in the upper left corner of one of the pages. Also, it would make this log stand out more if you didn't follow the format to a T. Have some audio logs, maybe change a few colours, etc. Personalization helps show your work easier, and command will certainly appreciate it.

Length: 20/25 | As I said, a little more is to be desired, but for such a simple test it's likely better than having it be ten pages of just... nothing. 

Overall: 68/100, Good.

Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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