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Vice false warn report- Accepted

catfishing for nitro

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Your In-game: Catfishing for nitro (event catfishing at the time)

The admin's name in-game: Vice


The admin's steam name (If you know it): can't find it


What warning did you receive: ARDM


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): image.png.4f376f2fdf9e867ec087500c7cf9c473.png


Why do you think this warn was false:

firstly, I had to leave pretty much right when I was pulled into the sit so Vice just warned me without getting my side of the story which was what I wanted him to as I couldn't stay for the sit. 

Heres what happened. 

- I was tabbed out playing GTA

- I hear someone running up to me and saying my name

- I tab back in and remember having my noot noot swep out

- I turn to him and right click to noot noot him but actually have my hammer out so I do my secondary mele attack once on him

- at this point I have to go so I am getting ready to leave and have to just tab out


Basically, this was a mistake. I did wrongly hit him once but I didn't mean to hit him

Any extra information: @Tactical looked over my logs

also I know I have past warns but I've changed now and I would not ruin a good streak by randomly hitting somebody purposfully

Edited by catfishing for nitro

Not sus

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My side: i had just pulled both people into the sit when nitro said he had to go. no reason or more explanation he just left. i did try to say that he was in a sit don't leave. 

the Reporter gave me his side and and i checked the logs and saw exactly was told to me which he Nitro hit him in spawn for no reason. and since i couldn't get a side from nitro i had to go make a decision from there

Ill leave it to SMT but im fine either way. best of luck

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Ok just adding my side as i viewed logs
it looks like he did ARDM him in spawn but then the guy he ARDM'ed turned straight around and capped him with a Glock 18 in spawn 
my opinion would be warn them both for the rule infractions or don't warn any of them 


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Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.

That bald Aussie Guy

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