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My Application

Dr. Williams

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SteamID: 76561199121115211


DiscordID: dr. williams#0740


What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military

How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?: I would say a solid 5/10 I'm not the one you should ask for lore but I get it for the most part

Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency?: I have much experience within the military group themed things, such as starwars rp I was in a division and was fully trained and I was helpful. I also am a good meat shield and or something you use to throw at the enemy really quick just so when the big guys come in its not going to be that hard. Thats why I think I would be a good Ci and it would be in your best interests to recruit me into your ranks, Gooday!


What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I'm funny and I'm very determined because I have no life.


How active can you be? Really active on weekends and average on week days


Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: I have discord and teamspeak, but I haven't used teamspeak in a while.


Edited by Dr. Williams
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After reviewing your application, we think you will be a good addition to the insurgency!

Now join the GamingLight SCP-RP discord server and head to "member-self-roles" channel

click the 5th emoji to get the "Requesting CI Tags" role

then navigate to CI "Requesting-FTO" channel and you will see the "Requesting FTO format"

fill it out in the channel and wait for an FTO to train you!

feel free to DM me on discord if you have any questions: GarGar#2315

Resigned CI CMDR Gar  | Former E11 SGT Gar | RRH Guardian Yankee 42 | Former D5 CPL Gar (one of the first) A1 Steak Sauce I Farmer Gar

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