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SCP-432 - "The Cabinet Maze"


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Lore Name: Simon
Rank: Junior
SCP: 432

Question / Idea: What was/could be found inside SCP-432
Background Research: SCP-432, also known as the "Cabinet Maze", is a labyrinth maze that seemingly fits inside an ordinary cabinet. It has been rarely explored/understood.
Hypothesis: Could SCP-432 be navigated/explored?

Observations (What Happened During Test): We entered 432's containment room with two Class-D's and one GENSEC Officer as escort. We then stripped the D-Class of any potential weapons or communications and uncuffed them one at a time. The first Class-D, going by the nickname "Ham", entered the cabinet. About a minute later, the second Class-D, going by the nickname "Mole", entered the cabinet as well. The maze seemed to be relatively small, taking about 10 minutes to navigate. According to Ham there were "medkits, armor charges, and other stuff" sitting in various spots around the maze, he then presented us a medkit he had picked up as proof. Two minutes later, Mole had came charging out claiming to hear a loud roar in the distance, saying "I can't understand where the f*ck it could be coming from in a such a small maze." They didn't show signs of mental or physical injury. We then promptly seized the various supplies they may have found, re-cuffed them and returned them to their cells.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: spacer.png

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Considering the two D-Class came out without injury, we should attempt to conduct more investigations into SCP-432. Questions like: "Can SCP-432 change its maze and if so how frequently does it do so?" or "Where is that roaring sound coming from?" should be raised and answered with more testing. However, to any researcher, especially less experienced ones that are new to the field, should proceed with caution when testing on this anomalous entity. If any researcher is to encounter any activity where the D-Class are consistently harmed mentally or physically, it would be wise to request the designation of SCP-432 to be changed from Safe to Euclid.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes, however, it should be noted that with further testing they may become more difficult if the maze changes or becomes longer/bigger.

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Overall Grade: 7/10

Lore: 9/10

Good work and you follow up with SCP  432 without breaking it

Creativity: 6/10

The creativity was good, but it very cluster together.

Presentation: 7/10

Overall, the Presentation was Good, but the problem is the cluster. I hoping you make the presentation better. in the future.

Grammar: 8/10

There was a little bit of grammar error, but overall, it good

DHOR Tyler I Event Team Leader [ETL] 

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