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Cinder's Officer Application


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What is your In Game Name?


What is your In Current Rank?

Special Agent

What is your Agent Name?

Cinder Death

How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad?

Since  — 01/31/2022 So close to a month.

Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? [150+ Words]

I want to become an Officer, because I believe I have all the necessary qualities to be in the position of Junior Squad Lead. I have lots of experience on the server and I have had a very successful experience as an NCO and have gotten to learn a lot about the people currently in Inferno Squad, with Inferno Squad Command building a strong squad of active, good members that have fun role playing in Inferno Squad. I focus on the roleplay aspect of the squad as we have no other 'major' responsibilities as a squad/battalion. I will attempt to ensure that we have good relations with other regiments and ensure communication with our current members of Inferno Squad, and I will still have a lot of drive to stay in this position and in general Inferno Squad and continue my roleplay focus in this battalion and in the server in general. I am very passionate about roleplay and I am in this position mainly to lead and be a solid drive for roleplay, not just in my squad, but in the server and the community in general. If enlisted's and NCO's see officer+ roleplaying a lot, the newer players will want to follow suit and I believe it is a good incentive to stay on the server and be promoted and hope to follow in the lead of their VCMDR's+. Secondly I believe I should be Officer/JSL because I am an extremely approachable, understanding and patient person who is very passionate about roleplay and Inferno Squad. I believe my encouraging leadership style would be perfect for the regiment, as I can focus more on each individual member and encourage, helping them with their problems as they arise. I am also very dedicated, never giving up and helping as much as I can. I have good ideas for Inferno and if I was able to put these into practice it could benefit not just the squad, but the rest of the server. I also think I have a good look when it comes to the rest of the server, and people respect me. This could help bridge the gap between other battalions and Inferno, and therefore making it a better squad altogether.

How could you assist Inferno Squad Command with this rank?  [100+ Words]

I wish to do multiple things to assist Inferno Command:

Firstly, Improve the quality of roleplay in Inferno Squad. I wish to encourage quality roleplay and provide new and inventive ways to do this that involves the rest of the server. For example I want to enforce using the Intelligence Officer whitelists we have access to a lot more, and we could work with Naval  to accomplish this goal, becoming more entwined with them. This could help bridge the gap and we could work on them with missions, therefore helping Naval and IO grow, as well as just us.
Secondly, I wish to improve activity in Inferno Squad. Our activity in the past few weeks has been wavy at best, however it has improved as of late, relatively. I want this to continue and not drop. To accomplish this goal I would encourage members to get on, creating specialised events/missions in the server and working with the other Officers to get our members on more.
Thirdly, I wish to work with other battalions. A very simple goal, however I think it should be said. We should be more of a supporting battalion and since we have access to so much, we can put this to use and use our influence to help other battalions grow. I could enforce members working with other battalions to accomplish this goal.

How many strikes do you have? 


Do you have any prior experience in being an officer/leading? If so explain.

As stated in my previous NCO Application, "On this server, I do not, however on others I have, I have been NCO of multiple server battalions such as Shock / 501st / Navy / Scout and some servers certifications such as: Engineering / Medical / Interrogation and Pilots,"

What Qualifications could you bring too the Inferno Squad Officer Team? 





Leadership skills

Polite and easily approachable

Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period?  
(Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion)

I do.

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3 hours ago, SAINTY. said:

- Great Application.
- Seems committed
- IF needs help.
- The more officers the better.

Best of luck!

I agree completely best of luck Cinder!

Current: Purge CPT | ST SPC
Former: Grand Inquisitor | Shadow Guard Lead | Sovereign Protector

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Edited by Ceaser

Guy that used to play Starwars RP: Ceaser/Gold Roger


FormerGideon Hask


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