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Crazy amounts of money suggestion - Denied


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What you want to see? -  So basically I wanna see the OG printers discounted for like platinum users, I am aware that it probably won't go down for all, so I am suggesting a donator discount perk

Why should we add it? - the amount of money is very high for what it should be, I am a platinum user, and I believe that it would create a bigger benefit to the donators on the server, might interest some people into a purchase, including that it is 30 dollars USD plus tax for a large printer, originally I had hoped that all plats just got the custom printers, but that is unrealistic. 

What are the advantages of having this? - More sales for GamingLight, and a better advantage for the server in general, if you had a discount for Diamond+ users even, it may well just be better for sales in general.

Who is it mainly for? - well for the community, its a little to much of a high price in my opinion, and if we reduced that, I would very well consider buying the printers, however this would not including re-designing the printers, as I believe the money statue is at a good price per (timer) already

Links to any content - N/A


PS: Please at least take this into consideration 

Alright im boutta head out

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