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A Drippin Dog

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Grade 90/100 
Presentation: 25/25
Lore: 25/25
Execution:: 15/25
Other: 25/25

Comments: Very interesting test however I would love to see more research into why and how SCP-330 knew the dclass knocked it over, maybe it is even sapient and/or sentient. Overall very good and neat log but very short, would love to see a longer one!

SCP RP - MTF D5 VCMDR Robby CTF D5 Founder/Overseer of Operations "Omniscient Eyes" Mu Cephei COA | Ex CI R&D AIN INF Gerry  | EX RRH Engineer Uniform 48 | EX RS RobbyOG Technical Low Command | Beans’ Test Dummy Participated In The Legendary Technical Bombing Of Site-O5 | OG Janitorial Low Command and Assistant Head of Containment Cleaners | Creator of the DENSEC on Site-O5 | 

Imperial RP - Former Creator of Medical Research Citadel / Medical Captain Citadel  Former IC VCOM Scorch Former SF Vice Marshal Walter | Creator of ST Riot Troopers and Original Leader | Former Nova Trooper Marksman 2LT Judge NT20 

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A Little Short But Except From That, Well Done Researcher!!!

 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God" ~ Isaiah 41:10
Currently: Head Of Research | HOSM Sub-Zero | Ghost OA0 Emeritus Professor | R.A.U  Grand Commissioner 
Former: Security 1LT | Medical Supervisor | Moderator | Event Team Member 965374741_Designsemnome(14).png.95821f8db19c49555eea551835e2a17e.png

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