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Printer Tweaks - Completed

KoG Runey

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What you want to see? -  Removing all of the tweaks on the new printers.

Why should we add it? - The Day that the new printers were added, they had a good balance of cost to place down and operate with a great gain for doing so. After the previous tweaks it now cost 40m+ just to place down and upgrade 8 of the printers while it still takes around an hour to make 1 mil back. 

What are the advantages of having this? -You will have less people complain about the printers being a waste of money and never getting used. Currently at this moment the printers seem more of a scam, Spend a lot for little return. If this isnt corrected printers wont be used, or people will use them but that is all they will do because they will want to earn their money back and if that happens then the RP in the server will literally just be "Grind Printers"

Who is it mainly for? - The community

Links to any content - The Sprinters added in game

Edited by KoG Runey
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-Support while I do agree the people yesterday got screwed the printers were classed as New which normally means in development. This would also revert everyone elses eco even people who only do bitcoin the eco didn't get screwed so I see no need of an eco reset as it will mess with stuff people bought as well. 

The RP isn't all around printers while yes FBI a department I like alot and play alot does busts for a majority I believe less people being in their bases will give PD more RP as they can have a more likely hood of traffic stops. 

Edited by [GL] Locus

Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

Current Positions: SRT Member spacer.png


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3 hours ago, Ya Boi Hunter said:

As of now the printers are basically a scam as Runey has previously mentioned. It's a pain to just get it and upgrade it, let alone grind the money back. If they were reverted to its original state then it would be a hell ton of fun to use.



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8 hours ago, Ya Boi Hunter said:

As of now the printers are basically a scam as Runey has previously mentioned. It's a pain to just get it and upgrade it, let alone grind the money back. If they were reverted to its original state then it would be a hell ton of fun to use.


UMC l SS Assistant SAIC l SWAT PFC l 


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This suggestion is completed! This is something we are going to be updating until we see it fit and the numbers may change more over the next week. We are changing these to make them fair in the long run. You will have to expect the upgrades will be more expensive to make you choose to use them long term if you decide to fully upgrade them. 


Status: Completed 🎉

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