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Xnmora's MTF Delta-5 “Front Runners” Command Application


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Your In-Game Name:






How long have you been playing on the server for?:

Since mid to late 2019. 


List all of the RP ranks you hold on the server. (MTF, Gensec, Etc.):

I am currently a Doctor in the Medical branch.


What Command position are you applying for? (list two):

I am applying for CPT or 1LT.


Why do you want to become Delta-5 Command? (250+ Words): 

I want to join Delta-5 because I am excited about a new MTF branch coming to the server. Even though I am unsure what this branch is going to be like. I am still excited to be a part of the branch and am open to the new experiences that it will bring. I want to be command to help this branch be the best it could possibly be and I want to help in anyway that I can. I want to be here from the start and help train the first recruits and help them rise through the ranks and see them make Delta-5 one of the best branches on the server. I want to make sure that Delta-5 has a good start from the beginning and that the first players that join the branch don't just join for the hype of a new MTF branch. I want to show the first recruits just how amazing this branch can be with their help and I want to keep them active on the branch. I also want to show the recruits that we get later on why Delta-5 is a great branch and why they should join it. I want to set a good example for the recruits and enlisted and I want to hopefully encourage them to be dedicated to the branch and hopefully I'll be able to see them in Delta-5 command one day. I really want to be Delta-5 command just to help other people find something that they love about the branch that they can't get anywhere else and hopefully I will be able to see them rise through the ranks and maybe even pass me one day.  


Why do you feel you are the best option for this position? (150+ Words): 

I believe that I would be a great pick for Delta-5 command due to my previous experience as command and the dedication I am willing to put into the branch. I am super excited for the Delta-5 branch and am willing to dedicate a lot of my time to help in anyway I can. I understand that being command of a branch takes a lot of time and effort and I am willing to put in the effort to prove why I was a good choice for command. As command I always tend to keep and open mind and I never jump to conclusions as I believe assuming leads to terrible things. This allows me to get the bigger picture of situations that may require me to give out punishments and ensure everything is fair. This also allows me to see things through other peoples perspectives and helps me understand where they are coming from and why they took a specific action. I tend to think of a lot of possibilities of how situations may turn out and I am always preparing for the worst case scenarios. I am a great observer as I take my time to take in all the information of a situation before I react. I am also active in the server and I also plan to try and be even more active. Currently during the weekdays I tend to be on for at least two hours a day but I plan on being on for longer once I fix my sleep schedule. I am ready to take on the responsibilities of being a Delta-5 command and I will show my dedication to Delta-5 if I am accepted.


Why should we trust you for this position?: 

I can be trusted with this position as I follow the rules and currently have 0 warns. I was trusted in command positions and I have been Omicron-9 SF and HSU briefly as well. I was also part of the RRH program as a Guardian. I was also moderator for a short period of time before I decided to leave. I was also once accidentally whitelisted as an Event Team member and was honest and didn't do anything bad with that whitelist and got it removed later that day.  


Do you have past leadership / command experience? If so please list them. (Limit it to Gmod only please):

I do have previous command experience, currently this is my second time being a Doctor in medical. I was also previously Captain in E11 and Deputy Head of the Rapid Care Unit.  


You are in LCZ and Security is requesting assistance due to a Mass D Block Riot; however, Chaos Insurgency has been called out for taking a SCP in HCZ. What would you do in this situation, and why?: 

I would head to HCZ to help take out CI and return the SCP back to it's containment cell. The reason I would make this decision is because D-Class have no where to go but into HCZ. D-Class mainly try to escape from the facility which means they will have to head through HCZ to do that which is where me and other MTF will be. After I and other MTF deal with CI we will most likely encounter the D-Class in HCZ during our sweep or while we are heading back to LCZ. If D-Class decide to stay in LCZ and try to hold it. I can work with other MTF and Gensec to help retake LCZ and force D-Class back into D block. Another reason I would make this decision is that if CI are taking an SCP in HCZ it is most likely a Keter or 049 which can cause major trouble for the site. The Keter could even be 682 and if 682 manages to escape in this chaos it would be able to cause a code Red or even a nuke if he makes it to surface. 


What would you do if those under your command are not following orders and are breaking the SOP?:

If this is their first time and they relatively new I would pull them aside and talk to them about them ignoring commands' orders. I would give them a verbal warning and tell them to pull up the SOP and explain to them what part of the SOP they broke. If they continue to break the SOP, not follow orders, or if the person is Senior Enlisted or NCO I would give them a strike. If the behavior continues or what they did was really bad I would bring this information with proof to Delta-5 HCMD about a possible DNP, demotion, removal, or even blacklist if it is bad enough.


How would you react to someone asking to be put into Delta-5 without a tryout and to be fast promoted?:

I would tell them that they have to go through tryout like everyone else. I would also tell them that by asking for promotions this makes command less likely to promote them. I would tell them that if they want to get promoted if they pass tryouts that they need to be active and dedicated to the branch. If they keep asking to be put into Delta-5 I would report this information to Delta-5 HCMD about putting them onto a possible DNT until they have learned their lesson. 


Explain how you would react to receiving an anonymous tip about a GOI group:

I have never ever received an anonymous tip about any GOI. I would report the tip in MTF comms and explain that the tip was given to me anonymously and that MTF should be very careful if acting on the tip as it could be a trap. I would then bring along at least two other MTF with me and we would go investigate the tip. I would have one of the people ready to call into MTF comms if the tip does be credible or if it is a trap and we need assistance.  

Do you promise to be committed to Delta-5 and to lead by example if you are accepted into Delta-5?:

 I Xnmora, pinkie promise if accepted to lead by example and be committed to Delta-5.

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17 hours ago, FusionThunder said:


I like the responses on the questions!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen you

command in a branch i think?

good luck!

-Needs more activity

-reasons above

+/- Support leaning to -


𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 - 𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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