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Your in game name: Faye

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:526962056

The player's in game name: 682 mad

The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:537165504

Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 10/7/2021 and roughly 3:50 AM

What did the player do: Failrp, Teaming with foundation staff , Not killing D-Class

What do you believe should happen to the player: Warning for FAILRPX2 

Any extra information: Nope

Evidence (I Put in on bottom because i have a few clips)

Evidence 1 : https://medal.tv/clips/67171924/d1337gNoVHQz?invite=cr-MSxXTVAsMjYxNTY3NjQs

Evidence 2 https://medal.tv/clips/4xQwXMm6ZSg2n/3Ji3lwI6wBRg?invite=cr-MSxsOWUsMjYxNTY3NjQs

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SCPRP Utility Senior Command "Supervisor Of Utility" Faye


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~~faye you were literally combat healing him~~

I went back through everything and faye wasn’t failrping like i said earlier, i had been misinformed and led on to believe he was taking part until i remembered i personally escorted faye to medbay bunks from medbay cp as 682 had been chasing him.  faye was indeed NOT combat healing him and not at fault here.  unless someone else got proof otherwise, i’m pretty sure faye is in the clear (as i think faye was mentioned in the other complaint)

Edited by 1stSavagerY

Nu-7 COL / SFTO / FE / TRT / BHM / RG / Head SCP-7101 / C0 FM HTF / SF Overseer / Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") / AFK / Solid Snake / SCP-RP Senior Moderator

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+Support on getting warn for fail rp due to teaming with foundation personnel.

Besides that there were other  who saw you and RM Draven teamed with 682 to which it was misunderstanding. Letting 682 through checkpoint when d class was around isn’t teaming. He was trying to survive. if anyone have proof pls post it here. But I saw RM draven kept combat healing and there was a report on him in other post to.


Edited by Lee

The best Lee. 😉

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2 hours ago, 1stSavagerY said:

~~faye you were literally combat healing him~~

I went back through everything and faye wasn’t failrping like i said earlier, i had been misinformed and led on to believe he was taking part until i remembered i personally escorted faye to medbay bunks from medbay cp as 682 had been chasing him.  faye was indeed NOT combat healing him and not at fault here.  unless someone else got proof otherwise, i’m pretty sure faye is in the clear (as i think faye was mentioned in the other complaint)


I do believe this is true, we basically have no evidence on Faye and kept on thinking to myself whether Faye actually did failrp. (He kept on telling 682 to stop teaming etc). If there isn't any evidence, then I believe Faye was wrongly accused in the other report and we might of mixed him up with another medic (T0aste). As with 682, something definitely needs to be done about him, he knows he is breaking every single rule.

FormerCI CPT SFTO Head Of Hotshot | RRH Guardian Juliet 13| Assistant Head Of Medical SCP-RP Senior Moderator


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-Clear proof of 682 teaming
-The consequences Faye asked are totally fair.


FORMER: | CI R&D IIN (SIN?) | CI EOI Operative | MTF E-11 1LT RRH Analyst November 24 | Maintenance OS
CUSTOM CLASSES: | Obama | The Mets | MTF E-11 'Last Call' | MTF E-11 Spetsgruppa Directorate 'V' | Umbrella Corporation Operative |

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10 hours ago, Lee said:

+Support on getting warn for fail rp due to teaming with foundation personnel.

Besides that there were other  who saw you and RM Draven teamed with 682 to which it was misunderstanding. Letting 682 through checkpoint when d class was around isn’t teaming. He was trying to survive. if anyone have proof pls post it here. But I saw RM draven kept combat healing and there was a report on him in other post to.




𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 - 𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.

~Your Local SCP Lead AdminAka: Rekti-High
The REAL Don Godfather 527 | CEO of the Minge Team | The Baby Joe | Leader of the Fish Mafia

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