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Can's HLPR Bot Application


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In game Name:Cans
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:14248048
Whats Your rank:MA [maintance adept]
Whats your time on the server:Almost half a year
Toltal Strikes ever recived: None
How many Warnings do you have on GL:None
Who Gave You permision to apply:Maintaince Manager Pills
On A Scale from 1 to 10 how active are you?:Id hafe to give it a 7
Why Do you think your fit for helper bot [60 words minuim]:I think im fit to be Helper Bot because I love maintaince work on gameinglight its so fun and I think im really good at it.Being a robot that fixes shit is like my dream come true.I get acttule protection from people plus I can do my job in HCZ more effectively and honestly it pains me when I see outher maintaince die who goto HCZ or in LCZ so id like to help them the best i can as helper bot the mans with a plans-Cans

Chaos Insurgency is rading and you see them breaching a keter what do you do?Id personaly call MTF forces to handle them as that is not my job if they are not planning or attacking maintaince or non combatant personal.

Edited by kobidog102

Former E11 Captain, D5 Sergeant, V1 [EOI], CI LT,  and Nu7 LT
Current E11 LCPL|Riot Shield Abuser|Cloak hater

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