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Sourg False Warn Report - Reviewed ingame by MiniEpic- Accepted


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Your In-game: Physical Abuse

The admin's name in-game: Sourg


The admin's steam name (If you know it): Don't know it


What warning did you receive: I received a player diss warning for calling a police officer a hall monitor. I did not personally insult him, strictly called him a hall monitor.


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): MiniEpic came and observed the sit as a third party. He confirmed that my player diss was strictly for saying that the police officer was a hall monitor, and he told me in-game that saying hall monitor didn't deserve an official warn. He told me to post to the forums, and I let him know I don't record my game so I would be relying on him to attest to this.

Why do you think this warn was false: I likened this police officers job to being a hall monitor. There is absolutely no way that can be construed as dissing him on a personal level. I feel kind of insane for even posting here about it. If that level of verbal policing is taking place, where calling someone a hall monitor gets you an official warn, then I suppose your server is establishing a safe space for younger people. But there's absolutely no reason to give an official warn for something that tame.

Sourg refused to respond to me after saying he was giving a warn, and then immediately teleported away and left. After reaching out to OOC and having MiniEpic teleport, he confirmed what I was saying was true and SourG told him it was. SourG said he asked the police officer if it offended him and the guy said yes, so he promptly warned me and TP'd away.


Any extra information: I was in the sit because this police officer attempted to pull me over, and I drove away (non-violent confrontation). I was jailed for roughly 5 minutes and read the !motd while jailed. I now know firmly that you can't drive away while being pulled over for no (good) reason, and having a gun in your inv or in hand isn't a reason to run.

I do want to be clear though, that people constantly drove away from cops on the last map and this rule didn't seem heavily enforced/I never really got warned for it. Cops would just initiate a chase after you drove away. I now know that's not the case.



Look I'm not looking for any disciplinary action and perhaps you guys will tell me that hall monitor is offensive and I need to fuck off but I truly feel this is the most ridiculous warn I've ever gotten.

Thanks for your time.

Edited by Lazer
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@Lazer for future reference under the "evidence of the warn" question just put proof you actually received this warn. i'd edit it and put this as your evidence for it https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561197980970776.

As of now i will remain neutral and will await a response from the warning staff.


I hope there's a heaven for minges...

Former SRT, FBI, DOC, SS, SWAT, SCU, and PoliceRP Senior Moderator.

"Remember, this is YOUR life, and YOUR time" - Eazy E

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To give my part to this, he was warned for calling him a "Hall Monitor". @Sourg Did confirm he did when i was speaking about the "False warn". Now to add on to this I believe this is a very petty report, the fact is that I don't see calling person "Hall Monitor" Is offensive. Now don't get me wrong some younger people may take offense to this, but thing I'm looking at is that beans reported people for petty things ingame. To end this off, this is such a petty report I don't think warn should be issued. Instead prob jail him for it and not warn him.

(This is my side)

Edited by MiniEpic


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Thank you Mini. Although I think you meant to say +support based on your message lol

If I got jailed for calling someone a hall monitor, so be it, but an official warn adds to my count and I've been playing here nearly a couple years. I used to get warned quite a bit and now hardly ever do.

Zero, I would not dare call an EMS a school nurse after having this happen. I'm muzzled

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I have no idea how long it will take for his side so ill throw up my opinion.


I don't see why a warn was needed for this or even brought into the discussion. Like Zero said, this is a very petty, minor, and childish thing to warn for. I feel the warn should be removed for sure. 

I hope there's a heaven for minges...

Former SRT, FBI, DOC, SS, SWAT, SCU, and PoliceRP Senior Moderator.

"Remember, this is YOUR life, and YOUR time" - Eazy E

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1 hour ago, Snuts said:

I have no idea how long it will take for his side so ill throw up my opinion.


I don't see why a warn was needed for this or even brought into the discussion. Like Zero said, this is a very petty, minor, and childish thing to warn for. I feel the warn should be removed for sure. 


UMC l SS Assistant SAIC l SWAT PFC l 


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4 hours ago, Ȥero said:


If what you are saying is true this warn should be removed

This is equivalent to calling an EMS a School Nurse, the difference is the EMS would not get mad because they are a neutral class not an officer in a position of power (seems like a bit of over reaction)

This sit could have easily been handled by telling Lazer to try and be a bit more chill and telling the officer if it happens again create a sit, but for something like this no warn should have been issued.

i do not see why you was given a warn for this a jail maybe but a straight warn is a bit harsh.


$500+ Donator

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Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.

PoliceRP Manager

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