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SCP-513, How Amnestics and SCP-999 can change the physiological trauma caused by SCP-513 - Concluded


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Experiment 1, The effects of Amnestics,

I had a d class ring the bell of SCP-513 until the effects where very severe then I took him down to the medical wing whilst asking him what he saw. He kept being startled by an "person but not a person like an ashy person". Once down at the medical wing he was administered amnestics and we entered an padded room whilst I talked to him I asked him if he saw, heard or felt anything out of the ordinary he said he saw, felt and heard nothing . After taking him up to the room again it was like he had never been there he excitedly went up to the bell and rang it again. He told me he saw nothing but heard the bell ominously (a similar result to the first time he rang it). I asked him to ring it one more time and the then reported seeing it again.

Experiment 1 Conclusion:

The physiological trauma of SCP-513 where completely diminished after Amnestics where administered and SCP-513s interacted with the D-Class as if it had never rang the bell before. This means to counter SCP-513 all that is needed is to "reset" the  physiology of the effected person.

Experiment 2, The effects of SCP-999,

after finding out what the effects of amnestics on SCP-513s Physiological trauma I wanted to know how SCP-999 effected SCP-513s Physiological trauma. What happened during your experiment? For the second section of the experiment I had the help of Associate Researcher Mr Bombastic. MR Bombastic was to take SCP-999 to the medical facility and await my arrival. whilst SCP-999 was being transferred I had to get a D-Class personnel over to SCP-513 but I had a few issues with that so it took me 2 and a half hours to get a D-Class safely to SCP-513s containment. After finally arriving to SCP-513s contentment with a D-Class I had the him enter SCP-513s containment and wring the bell whilst i was on the other side of the door with a General Security Officer just in-case the D-Class was in danger. after the D-Class had rung the bell 6 times with no effects. I believed it to have something to-do with the D-Classes Sensory ability's. How ever on the 7th ring he finally saw SCP-513-1 so I took him down to the medical facility and met up with Mr bombastic and SCP-999. we had put them in a room and observed as SCP-999 was attracted to the effected D-Class and the D-Class had reported that he hadn't seen SCP-513-1 since contact with SCP-999. Unfortunately a Chaos Insurgency member entered the room and executed the D-Class. Although this was annoying we had found a Small result. We knew that direct contact with SCP-999 would stop the effects of SCP-513-1 for at least the short term how ever we still did not know if departing the D-Class with SCP-999 would cause SCP-513-1 to start to reappear. After another 45 minutes I still had not been able to get another D-Class for testing. I finaly came to the conclution that I would need to have myself effected by SCP-513 so Me and Mr Bombastic whent back to SCP-513s containment Knowing full well what I was getting into I had an MTF member close the door behind me and I rang the bell 3 times straight away because I knew on the 3rd time SCP-513-1 would be at his highest aggression without it being dangerous. After the 3rd time I started to see SCP-513-1 quite often but not every second so me and the MTF member Went down to the medical facility to meet SCP-999 and Mr Bombastic. After being in contact with SCP-999 I had not seen SCP-513-1 so I then left SCP-999 and I started to see SCP-513-1 again. After 4 minutes of being away from SCP-999 SCP-513-1 came back stronger than I ever reported, SCP-513-1 was always around and never disappeared even for a second. It just teleported all around me even sometimes teleporting within 1 foot of me. The test results were clear and I took 5 minutes worth of amnestics after that Mr Bombastic told me what I had forgotten and I had not noticed any effects of SCP-513 after that.

Experiment 2  Conclusion:
SCP-999 will diminish the effects of SCP-513 but only when in contact with  SCP-999. After contact SCP-513s effects became more severe.

Overall  Conclusion:

To completely get rid of the effects of SCP-513, you must administer amnestics

but to only get rid of the effects of SCP-513 for a short period and then heighten the effects, make the effected personnel spend time with SCP-999

Edited by JOE_90_XX
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Research Test Log Grading.

" Good afternoon Junior Researcher Joe. I'm assuming that is your name and rank as there is no name listed on your test log. I'm using the name of the email this test log was submitted on to assume the creator but if I am wrong please correct me. After heavy consultation of your test log, it has been deemed that this test log reaches the requirements of an 'Average Quality' test log. This means while there isn't anything fundamentally wrong with your log it does however miss some pretty critical points of interest that rob it of a higher rating. "


 " Beginning with the positives I found no issues with the idea of the test. You correctly spoke about what occurred leading up to, during, and after the test in a sufficient length and conveyed your results well. There are a few things however that you could improve. Beginning off with arguably the largest you lack any consistent format in this test log. A basic format is provided in the research forms available for all to use that includes your name, rank, and more. I have attached this to this response below. Secondarily there is minor grammatical (incorrect capitalization for example) and spelling errors and Lastly the test idea isn't new however you have formulated it into an entertaining read. 


 " The link to the basic research test log format is below. I personally recommend you install our highly specialized and advanced engine called 'google documents' as it allows more creative freedom when creating logs that can earn higher grades. For convenience, I have linked that as well. "


 " However, please do not let this discourage you. Overall, for a new researcher within the research division, you did an excellent job for your first log and if this log was compared to those of your rank it would be much higher. I am personally excited for seeing you grow within the research division and I look forward to seeing more work from you. "

~ Research Assistant Supervisor TrainOverlord










Nothing special here, move on.

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