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Cardigan's Resignation

Cardigan Backyardigan

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I just wanna say I'm sorry to everybody who I may have let down with my activity, my schedule got all mixed up and now I sadly don't have any time to play on the server. I loved every second that I spent helping people, doing tests, and talking to all of you guys.

SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:460155398

SCP-RP: CI 2LT | SEC 2LT | Lumberjack Union Chief Logging Operator, S4 Avium SL1 | Retired Research Supervisor | Retired CI 2LT, 1LT | 2x Former SEC 1LT, Retired CPT Former WC Nemesis | Former Nu7 HFTO MAJ/A3 Tesla | Retired Admin

CCs: MTF Rev 26 'Vigilant Hero' | Vonzen Plushie | STARS | D-9177 'The Pill' | CI TF2 Heavy

Achievements: Staff Of The Month | 11x Staff Of The Week

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