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Nursing Home For Sex Offenders Ban Appeal- Denied

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Steam Name: Nursing Home For Sex Offenders

Ingame Name: Nursing Home For Sex Offenders

SteamID: 76561198158306559

Ban Length: Permanently 

Admin that Banned you: Comm Eternity 1K-1

Reason for Ban: "go play another server"

Dispute: On June 4th, 2021, I hopped on the server. I barely remember the exact details of this event. I remember that i was riding to the car dealership in my car, when i typed in chat something along the lines of "The admins on this server suck" or, "This server is ran by idiots". I was then permanently banned from the server. I feel as if this ban was unnecessary as I was saying this in a joking way. I had also purchased a 40 dollar premium bundle the same day, which made me even more angry. I know I have an unhealthy amount of warns, but please take my appeal into account.

Thanks for the consideration,

Nursing Home For Sex Offenders

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-play stupid games win stupid prizes.
-You trying to play the "I dOnAtED" means nothing. You agree to the rules on the server and the terms and service of donating, you are SOL.
-You mass dissed SMT and found out what happens 

Retired FBI Director|$2,000Donator gang|UMC LVL 4

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you mass disrespected the whole server and now you ask the same people you dissed for forgiveness. wait a bit longer before you appeal it again.

I hope there's a heaven for minges...

Former SRT, FBI, DOC, SS, SWAT, SCU, and PoliceRP Senior Moderator.

"Remember, this is YOUR life, and YOUR time" - Eazy E

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