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Change of 501st Marksman [T1] valken 38a sniper rifle [Accepted] [In Progress] [Completed]

Radio AK5C90

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What do you want to see?:

i think the valken 38a that the 501st marksman spawn with shuld be changed to the valken 38x

Why should we add it?:

as of the day i am wrighting this post 2021/08/07 the 501st marksman [T1] spawns with the valken 38a ( its the one with no scope on it), with this rifle players can not effectively full fill the role if a marksman since they will be shooting with a none  scoped rifle. to fix this i recomend just swapping the valken 38a to the valken 38x from the same mod pack. 

What are the advantages of having this?:

with this change i fell that players will have more fun and use of the marksman class in events since they can now take accurate shoots in long range fights 

Who is it mainly for?:

501st T1 + players 

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A scope for the 501st [T1] Marksman makes sense, and a brunch of people within and outside of 501st, have been wondering as to why there is no scope since its supposed to be a sniper. 

| Ex DT S06/DT CPT DK0 | Ex 501st ARC JTL 3010 COL Gustav | EU 




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Thank you for your suggestion! Please allow up to a week for this suggestion to be successfully implemented into the server.


*SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*

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