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Might join this SCPGL Community!


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Well, for starters you spawn as a D-class your job is to escape you do that by going up the giant elevator and killing the guards. To join another team you press F4 you can only join the jobs that have trainee but once you get cpl in gensec you can get trained to become MTF. MTF job is to keep the scps under control so they don't breach and cause terror. Or if you escape as d-class you have a choice of become CI or getting 2k exp. CI are 2 different things there is the research side (RND) Which they go in and capture scps or test on them and there is military which cause raids and kill everyone and capture important people. Usually to become an scp its level based you get levels from playing the server or you can donate for some classes. That's a brief description ask me any questions.



Oh and heads up if you wanna become any command its all about how well known you are in the server at least that's how I find it is. 

Nu7 MSGT | Ex CI R&D AIN | Ex Sec 2LT | Ex OS | Ex CI 2LT

[CC] Owns: OPIF - Omnipurpose Infantry Force | Charple on Vacation | Vonzen Plushi | CI Take Force 'Blackhawks'

[CC] On: Farmer Jakub | MTF Sigma-66 | E-11 Rangers 'Reborn' | TF2 Solider | CI TF2 Heavy | Obama | Lone Wolf | Combine | STARS


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Well its gonna be a huge change from different community's
So with SCP RP, you spawn in as a dboy as a dboy you are in a prison your goals are to escape or just be tested on there's alot of fun with being tested on.
there are branches within SCP RP to make it easier to understand I'll separate the branches into combatant and noncombatant with combatant branches these branches are Security, NU7, E11, chaos military  with these branches they all deal with combat on a daily basis as for security their goal is dblock their job is to make sure you do not escape and also help out researchers with tests, Security, NU7 and e11 both work together their jobs are very different, so with Nu7 and e11 there main job is to deal with scps and GOI or groups of interest with these scps they are anomalous so that means they have something that makes them have some sort of ability and with ability they are called SCPs these scps are very dangerous, or the friendliest things on earth really ranges from scp to another scp, with chaos there mission isnt well know but ingame they help you escape from dblock and if your lucky you may be able to join chaos, now onto noncombatants unlike combatants they are not stoping danger and are unlikely to end up shooting you inless you harm them first with those noncombatants there are 3 different branches research, medical and maintenance,  we have medical with medical they do rp based around medical i know kinda self explanatory there are pretty damn fun if your into medical rp, then we have maintenance they build contraptions and all sorts of cool stuff they help out with research and with the other branches same with medical, research does tests on scps those tests are unquestionably fun to participate in really but alot of times your gonna end up dead somehow, i really recommend to see the rules before you do any thing and the way to check is doing !motd in the chat when your in game but incase you dont do so i'll cover the more basic rules first we have rdm when your on a dclass dont murder another dclass only murder everyone  else,  dont meta game that means if you die you dont retain that information in your previous life so if you know a scp that killed you dont warn others about that scp in that one particular life dont be racist/homophone and or sexist or just dont be toxic your able to join most branches by just going to the F4 menu and looking for the trainee job for that branch but do know that E11 requires you to get a bronze rank in which costs money and nu7 you either have to get the rank of CPL in Security and do a tryout or just apply on the forums, i could go on and on but this is just the basic information about SCP-RP.

PS to answer your questions in my experience scp rp is very fun and is nice to play on, there are a ton of minges but its all in good fun, community is great but we did have a issue with staff not just a bit ago.
if you have any further questions just contact me i'll be able to answer them, hoped that helped you and have a good day.

Edited by Domino

"What do you mean, i cant murder you..." "

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its cancer, but sometimes good

                                                                             Chad of many names       Professional Shit talker


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7 hours ago, Damien said:

tell me about SCP, I would like to know more about it, and is it fun? how many minges are on xD. just tell me about this community 

I am coming from PoliceRP

Well, it's pretty fun, when the site isn't completely fucked.

I recommend starting with stuff like Utility, GENSEC, And Research.

CI and MTFs are a bit harder to get into for various reasons, also when the site's boned it kinda turns into a gang war between them, but they're doing there own thing and I can't be mad at it.

So yeah it cool. B)

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Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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Its worth mentioning a lot of the branches you have to do certain things to get into can just be applied for. The genre of SCP is Sci-fi Horror, although the horror aspect isnt common here. You might get the shit scared out of you, but you aren't playing containment breach or something. The servers branches interact nicely together, with a web of counters to each other. D class and gensec butt heads and fight each other sometimes, research uses d class for tests, mtf use d class for stopping scp breaches. Gensec is countered by d class and CI, who will come in and tear d block apart to rescue d class, making CI the one group they can count as friends. The site personnel work together as their branches entail, and lots of cross branch interaction is beyond common. There is honestly something for everyone here, whether you wanna vibe and make friends, get into chaotic gun fights, or just do dumb shit, like watch god (yes, literal god) bunnyhop down the street while ripping a fat fuckin' vape cloud, we got it here. Its a field day in SCP-RP, and we would love to have ya.

Daddy D Boi |Previously CI SGM XB1 and RAM|Formerly Agent Starboi| CCs: Frank West | Doctor Samuel Hayden | Solid Snake | CI Recon Force | Drip Hank Hill | The O7 Bois (Owner of Sunsetters)
The Femboi With The Fubar

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Alright thank you all, I might make my entry to SCPRP Today or tomorrow, seems like a very active and fun community, (sometimes cancer from what I hear) of course I think I will main PoliceRP but I would be glad to second main this. Thank you everyone for the welcome, Staff and community. expect me soon!

Alright im boutta head out

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