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Gamer ideas for gamers - Denied


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What you want to see? - 

I have thought about this for some time, and think we need more car sprays? Maybe we can do submissions on the PoliceRP Discord server (because I still don't know how to use TeamSpeak) and use creative designs as a community, or maybe even pay (in game currency or real money) to work with a staff member to even make your own car "Paint Job", (yes I am actually saying custom paint jobs), and if not then lets just get more added.

Why should we add it? - 

number one is so we don't get board of driving, that will mean more people on the road, and that could benefit police OFC's, because they could learn how to be a SNR+ because they get more experience with pulling people over and overall RP.

What are the advantages of having this? -

Well we have the Police benefit side of things, How about everyone else?? Well that is actually simple, we that just means we added something into the game for people to grind for (If you guys wanted to make this a in-game purchase/and if we paid for it) I honestly think this would benefit your server because more people would hop on. 

Who is it mainly for? -

Well... Everyone really, I mean mainly for my sake, but I asked a bunch of people and they said it would be a great idea and they would definitely drive around more. so I definitely think you guys (they community) should really consider it.

Links to any content - 

No content here man, just my idea.

Alright im boutta head out

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15 minutes ago, GL Vader said:


i know it would be cool but I don’t think it’s easy to put it in and there’s no content link so..

as well as the fact that it takes up more storage for the server that causes more lag. The more stuff that you add to a server the more lag. IMO the server has enough content already and shouldn't need a thing that would be used but would mean more content for the player base.

PD Low Command (MAJ) | State Command (LT) | SCU MSGT | Armed Diver CC | Rockford County Deputy CC$400 Donator 

   UMC LVL 1 | FBI SA PoliceRP Moderator

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