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SCP-939 Interview


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Date of Interview:



Topic of Interview:

General intelligence/wellness check 


Notes Pre-Interview:

SCP-939 is usually unable to talk besides mimicking words. However, I took a recording of a class D personnel saying basic words and played them to an instance of 939, designated SCP-939-02. I hope that this provides 939-02 the ability of very basic communication. I found it necessary that we not give 939-02 too many words, otherwise things may get messy, especially for the fact that 939 instances use this parroting ability to hunt for prey.



Lead Researcher Nydekore






LR Nydekore: Hello SCP-939-02, how are you feeling today?


SCP-939-02: (In the monotone, almost robotic voice of the recorded d class) Sad.


LR Nydekore: What is making you feel this way?


SCP-939-02: (In the same tone as before) Alone.


LR Nydekore: You mean because you are separated from your other 939 instances?


SCP-939-02: *Begins to almost frantically repeat "Alone." over and over for minutes*.


LR Nydekore: Is there anything else you feel?


SCP-939-02: Thirsty*1.


LR Nydekore: Thirsty? Thirsty how?


SCP-939-02: Thirsty.


LR Nydekore: You seem to have no digestive track 939, why do you eat?


SCP-939-02: Hungry...? (SCP-939-02 looks visibly confused, as if this weren't the word it were looking for.)


LR Nydekore: How could you be hungry if you don't require food?


SCP-939-02: (SCP-939-02 looks as if it is thinking for a while) Fun.


LR Nydekore: Fun? You enjoy hunting people?


SCP-939-02: Fun. *seems to shake its head affirmatively*


LR Nydekore: Alright SCP-939-02, thank you for your time.


*1 This answer had confused me. I was hoping to ask about this, I was always perplexed as to why SCP-939 instances hunger, seemingly without purpose. I was cautiously joyful that SCP-939-02 had led the conversation this way.




SCP-939 instances, along with all other SCPs, are weird phenomena. Their lack of digestive track would suggest that they need not eat. However, SCP-939 demonstrates advanced hunting tactics and is one of the most ravenous creatures known by the facility. I expected going in that SCP-939 would be intelligent enough to respond and thankfully it was. However, it seems to also hold a sinister nature to it, killing not for survival, but for sport. SCP-939 is a highly deadly and wicked creature. While I was hoping to understand the creature better, I would be lying to say that I wasn't shaken by what the creature said.


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Former: Deputy Head of Research | MTF Nu-7 Captain x2 | SCPRP Super Admin | MTF O-1 Major


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