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Topic Title: Player Report Review Request - "Warmercarp"

Old parkland

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Topic Title: Player Report Review Request - "Warmercarp"


Your in game name: parkland27

Your Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:7956025

The player's in game name: Warmercarp

The player's steam ID (required):  STEAM_0:0:196928543

The original staff member's name: None was given

Date and Time This Incident Occurred: April 9th same day i wrote the anonymous report

What did the player do: Warmercarp made a racist comment/hinted to some degree killing black people.

What was the disposition of the sit: verbal

Why do you think the disposition was inappropriate?: I asked a trial mod, i was told anything phobic, or racist is a 1 week ban, and a warn, i did a anonymous report, and Mind in the video said it wasn't serious, well, still its racist, i also asked for a status and update on the report, nothing happened, i had to go ask Mind. I waited 2 weeks for a response and I didn't get one until today. and usually when a punishment is handed out, on the roster it tends to be either removal or some form of blacklist, and this exchange with warmercarp was never recorded on the punishment sheet.

Evidence (required): 



Any extra information: N/A

Edited by Parkland27
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I understand why you are upset, especially that this is a hot topic in the world right now. However, from a command point of view, there really isn't much to take from the evidence provided. A verbal was the punishment to best fit the situation. He knowingly made a joke in poor taste, but I think you're expecting too harsh of a punishment. People that receive week bans, receive these banks because the racist is blatant. This wasn't exactly that. 




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For context, the sign is a target and if the person is the same color as the target, you shoot (or at least that was how it was explained to me)
Nobody should be acting like this, especially not somebody who is both command and staff. You should know better by then.

EDIT: I don't know if the punishment should be a one week ban, but I do believe something should happen, more than a verbal. Hearing from the other side would also be great as well.

Edited by Rats
just wanted to add more thoughts without making an entire other post
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For my side of the story. There was an old Command member in Gensec that did something a lot worse than me, (Making people change their player model to a white or black person for a TDM cause he didn't have a tool gun), so it's been a little running joke amongst the rest of command that any time that there is a PT to never make anything either white or black. So AS A JOKE, I made the color of the sign black, had a quick laugh, then just changed it. No one was harmed by it, nothing racist was actually said, and I don't understand why Parkland waited over 2 weeks to make this into a player report. I understand that maybe it wasn't the most tasteful joke, but in my eyes, it's nothing more than a verbal. I did already get talked to by HCMD and that should be the end of it.

CI RnD Special Agent || Experienced Medic

Retired Security Lieutenant Colonel || The 3rd Head of Wardens

Retired Red Right Hand, Guardian Squadron, "Sierra 45"

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This is coming from someone who’s of color and also who handled this situation RP wised:

After viewing the clip, it didn’t really showed anything that would’ve hinted towards anything borderline offensive in anyway. While yes the comment he made was highly inappropriate, it doesn’t really issue enough reason to even give him a strike, let alone a whole demotion-blacklisted. 

However if he was to go above and beyond with the comments and made it sound awfully enough to sound like a COD black ops lobby 12 am, then yeah I would agree.

45 minutes ago, Parkland27 said:

its racist, i also asked for a status and update on the report, nothing happened, i had to go ask Mind. I waited 2 weeks for a response and I didn't get one until today. and usually when a punishment is handed out, on the roster it tends to be either removal or some form of blacklist, and this exchange with warmercarp was never recorded on the punishment sheet.

The verbal should be marked imo. Also you should keep in mind that recording on teamspeak is against the rules.

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Yuh ?imm@ Thash Dat B¡tch?❤️!!*^€{

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The video shows no racist comments being made, no inappropriate jokes, no anything really. While it's a poor decision, it's not one that rises to the level of warranting a formal warning on the server level. GENSEC command is free to handle this report internally as well and make whatever determinations using their own processes.


Original Staff Member's Desicion Upheld

Retired SCP-RP Head of Staff

March 3rd, 2019 - December 16th, 2021

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