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Purge Heavy Trooper Weapon change. [Denied]

Big chungus

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 Battalion Name: Purge


Job/Class Name: Purge Heavy Trooper


Weapon Kit: 


 - Current loadout:

- Add: Z-6i

- Remove: Z-6S

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):  Because the Z-6s when you done shooting it for the first time the fire rate drops by a lot but the Z-6i dose not so I would like to change it so my  Heavy's have there  Heavy weapon

Purge Commander Kevin

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Quite honestly, the Z-6i is completely useless, this update would be insanely helpful to heavies!

〖   ImperialRP  〗
{ Ex. Battalions } Ex. Purge Vice Commander |Ex. Naval SSO LT
{ Staff } Ex. PRP Admin | Ex. IMRP Senior Moderator | Ex. PRP Event Team Member

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We want Purge to keep the Current Z-6, if you want any changes made to the weapon such as a damage boost, or higher fire rate please make another suggestion explaining any buffs wanted.

world things GIF
『Retired Head of Staff on ImperialRP』

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Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. Please wait at least 2 Weeks before suggesting this again.

However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas!


*SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*

world things GIF
『Retired Head of Staff on ImperialRP』

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