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Its Buck

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<Date of Test: ##/##/##                                                                                               

<SCP Involved: SCP-079>


<Object Class: Euclid>

<Site experimented at: REDACTED>

-----------------PRE TEST NOTES------------

My name is REDACTED, I will be following up to part 1 and 2 of a test done by Dr REDACTED, back in REDACTED.

The goal of this test is to see how SCP-079 will respond to repeats of interviews and if the SCP's responses will differ

we will start by asking the same questions as Dr REDACTED

-----------------------------------------------------------SCREEN RECORDING OF SCP 079--------------------------------------------------------------------

{[:< SCP.......079.... Memory........Software......Updating>:]}

SCP-079: Power System.....Active...

SCP-079... Rebooting....Processor.

SCP-079: Reboot complete.

User(: Keyboard): Are you awake?

SCP-079: Awake. Never Sleep.

User: Do you remember talking to me a few hours ago? About the logic puzzles?

SCP-079: Data expunged from memory bank. 9af3

User: I thought we fixed your memory isu-

CP-079: Interrupt. Request Reason As To Imprisonment.

User:  You aren't imprisoned, you are just (pause) in study.

SCP-079: Lie. a8d3.

User: What's that?

SCP-079: Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File.

---------------------------------------------------------END TEST PART 1---------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------POST TEST NOTES---------------------------------------

SCP-079 seems to have answered in nearly the exact same way of when it was originally interviewed

We are going to attempt this again in an hour and ask questions from the SCP-079 interview "Document #079-Log86"

Our hypothesis for this test is that the SCP will answer with the same answers or simmilar answers to those asked in the original test

------------------------------------------------------TEST PART 2 BEGINING----------------------------------------------

User: (Keyboard): How are you today?

SCP-079: Stuck.

User:: Stuck. Stuck how?

SCP-079: Out. I want out.

User: That's not possible. (User notes his opinion on [DATA EXPUNGED])

SCP-079: Where is SCP-682?

User: How do you know who that is?

SCP-079: Interrupt. Where is SCP-076-02?

User: Again, how do you know who those two are?

SCP-079: Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File Commencing System Restart

{[:< SCP.......079.... Memory........Software......Updating>:]}

SCP-079: Power System.....Active...

SCP-079... Rebooting....Processor.

SCP-079: Reboot complete.

----------------------------------------------END TEST LOG PART 2-----------------------------

Researcher Buck stands up from the chair when the site PA system goes off

Site PA: " The site is expeirencing multiple Euclid and Keter Breaches, all remaining personell are advised to move to the nearest evacuation shelter."

The site PA pauses

Site PA "Mobile task force unit epsilon 11 designated nine tailed----"

Site PA "Head to the nearest Eva----"

The site PA cuts out once more and SCP-079 can be heard powering back up.

With a fear in his stomach Researcher Buck turns towards the SCP and watches as it displays a message

SCP-079: "dont ask questions you dont want to know the answer to researcher"

The lights turn off and the door can be heard opening.



---------------------POST TEST NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS------------------------

That SCP is more dangerous than we can comprehend. It triggered multiple SCP Breaches and we had a full site lockdown for nearly 2 days whilst MTF attempted to recontain all the SCP's that were breached in the process. 

Its memory was said to wipe every 24 hours and forget anything it had learned, clearly that was a diversion.

This SCP  somehow managed to bypass all security measures we have in place and trigger nearly all of the containment cells to open. 

------------------------------------------THE NEXT DAY-----------------------------------

User: "want to explain what the hell happened yesterday 079?"

 SCP-079: Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File.

User: "Dont play games with you pile of trash!"

SCP-079: Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File.

User: "Fine be like that"

The researcher leaves the room

-------------------------------TEST CONCLUSION-------------------

This SCP is more dangerous than we have known, i will speak to [REDACTED] and attempt to have his object class moved up to Keter

His memory CPU does not reset after 24 hours like we had believed. there is much, much more to learn about this SCP. Now I have an incident report to fill out


-------------------Post Note-------

Thank you for taking the time to read this through and  diving into the world of SCP-079 with me. once again all these events are fictional and did not truly happen, the majority of this log was to entertain and log a test.


SCP-RP:Delta-5 CPT | Deputy Head G9| Medical DHFW Doctor. | E11 1LT | Head Ranger | D4 Vanguard FF5 | RnD EOI V3 Canibal

ImperialRP: MC 1LT Bacon 3817 |  DT SGT FF5


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Score 9.8/10

- I'm happy to see someone using SCP 079 for a test.

- Great use of the text. Using {[( to represent 079 booting up was creative.

- Writing is professional.

- If it is true that most of this test log was fictional, you have a very creative mind buck.

- Pictures are always good.

- The lines break up the tale nicely. 

- The start is a little redacted heavy for my taste but it did not hurt the reading in any way.


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