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ICE's Forums Diplomat Application


Should I Be A Forums Diplomat?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Should I Be A Forums Diplomat?

    • Yes
    • No

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In-Game Name: ICE

Steam Name: [GL] ICE

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:554203848

What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Moderator On Police RP (Got Permission From Jayden)

How often are you online on the forums? Several times a day

Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? 
I believe I am qualified to serve as a Forums Diplomat because I am on the forums several times throughout the day and night, and I am well known in the community I have played all 3 servers for Gaminglight and will be able to watch over the forums and I am well known in the community.

I have also been a Moderator twice in Police RP had to leave the first time for some reason and during the first run I had fun and during this run I am also having fun and I also take staffing serious and I make sure people follow the rules even when I am not on staff I tell people that what there doing is against the server rules and make sure that they know that. Ive been in several sits and I know how people can get in a sit.

I also play all 3 servers, on Police RP I am well liked by everyone and I have been playing Police RP for about 6-7 months, SCP-RP I rarely play on the server but well liked by people when they first met me and some of the people I still talk to even when I am not on the server, Imperial RP cant really say much besides Ive made one friend on there.

I find myself all over the forums and I browse every where just to see what is happening on the other servers and what is new I find myself fit for forums diplomat for this reason I see people argue on the forums from time to time and I am always on the forums.

Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?
I consider myself to have good judgement, When ever I am on late at night when I am the only staff member on it will just be me and a couple friends or peers that I know and there is sits against them or from them before I take the sit I ask in admin chat if anyone is on that can take that sit and I give them atleast 3 minutes to respond or take the sit usually no one would respond or take the sit so I would have to take the sit. As most people know I am not bias at all as I report my friends for stuff when I need to and whenever I take these types of sits I take them serious even if I knew them or they are one of my friends.

One of these reports was for Fear RP I will not name the names of these two people as it is an application for now they will be named Person 1 and Person 2
Person 1 made a report on Person 2 for fear RP, I brought both people to a roof and let them both speak of course so Person 1 stated that there was 3 guns on Person 2 but then he pulled a weapon out even though he was put under fear RP and so I let Person 2 explain and he said that he had already had his pistol out in the car but got out of the car and started running even at that put I knew Person 2 was still under fear RP because there was 3 gun on him so I proceeded to warn him for Fear RP telling him why it would be Fear RP as he should know the rule. 

How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?
Firstly I would delete all the spam posts that he made, then I would kindly message that person to stop spamming on the forums or a punishment will be handed out, I would also link him to the ban appeal section to the correct server that he is apart of, if he continues to spam on the forums I will contact the head diplomat about the situation.

How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?
I would tell the two individuals that aggressively arguing on the forums is against the forum rules and to keep it to +Support or -Support and if anything that was greatly toxic then i would proceed to hide that post and contact the head diplomat on the reason I hid the post, and if they continue to argue on the post I would proceed to lock the post and and contact the head diplomat on the reason I locked the post.


"Won't let go, I'm the type to show you that you're too special, Please don't be the type to hate the things I do, And I'll ride for you, and I'll die for you!" - Juice WRLD

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7 hours ago, Vital said:


-Very active!

-Super nice

-very active on forums!

Good luck ice!

Good staff member 

PoliceRP Ex CERT Commander 〗〖 Last Dispatch Director 
ImperialRP Ex Second Sister 〗〖 Ex Seventh Sister 
Staff Ex PoliceRP Senior Admin 〗〖 Ex PoliceRP Senior Event Team 〗〖 Ex Senior Forums Diplomat 〗〖 Ex Support Supervisor 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Application Accepted!

Thank you for your application to the Forum Diplomats, your application has been approved! You will be receiving more information on onboarding onto the Forum Diplomat team via discord!

Retired SCP-RP Head of Staff

March 3rd, 2019 - December 16th, 2021

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