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SCP-7101 Interview


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                                                                                                                  SCP-7101 Interview
                                                                           Level 3 clearance required


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Interviewing researcher: Agent “Ruby”
Interviewed: SCP-7101
Guards Attending: E-11 RCU MSGT Blight
Access to 7101 granted by: DOTF Matto


Recording starts


SCP 7101: Hello!


Agent Ruby: I'm going to show you some writings from the past and I would like you to try to translate them


SCP 7101: Hmm, sounds tricky but I can try!


Agent Ruby Gives some Egyptian text from a tomb 


SCP 7101 picks up the text

SCP 7101: These are pictures?


Agent Ruby: Indeed they are but they were how we use to write, do you know what it says


SCP 7101: Hieroglyphics? I was shown different text styles during my stay here.


Agent Ruby: Yes, exactly 


SCP 7101: I do not know what it says but it looks like a man with a cat with many workers? I am unsure. I'm afraid.


Agent Ruby: Alright, next question, before you were found what is the earliest date you can remember?


SCP 7101: The earliest date?


Agent Ruby: Yes.


SCP 7101: I believe that I have been dead for around 300 years so. 3000 years ago. I was Sumerian.


Agent Ruby: Alright, now I'm going to ask something but you do not have to answer 


SCP 7101: That clown Able can tell you. Alright.


Agent Ruby: Do you know why your uncle hates humanity?


SCP 7101: I think I know a bit. Ever since that sword came into contact with him he has become an evil, horrific person.

Agent Ruby: So you think it is the sword that is controlling him?


SCP 7101: He was rude before but I could talk to him without him losing it. Although it was rare that I spoke to him, if I must be honest I cannot tolerate that man


Agent Ruby: And your Father, he is Cain correct?


SCP 7101: My father and him weren't on good terms either. Yes he is.


Agent Ruby: Do you know why your father seems to kill any plants around him?


SCP 7101: Able was a killer before though. He would not stop, yeah I can answer that.


There is a long pause

SCP 7101: The Sumerian were very mystical people. They did something to my dad to curse him. I cam cursed too but on a weaker level, due to the armor I wear and the sword I possess.


Another pause

SCP 7101: The Sumerian armor has properties to strengthen but comes with a cost, instead of armor though my father was cursed to have that cost embedded into him. It is also why he cannot be harmed.


Another rather long pause

SCP 7101: I was young but they were sorceresses or something. They were higher in positions of power, corrupt maybe?


Agent Ruby: And why was he cursed?


SCP 7101: He has never told me but I am willing to bet he did something questionable. He locked me away to "protect me".

Once again another long pause

SCP 7101: Perhaps he wanted to commit something to which the rest of the tribe disagreed with? I was very young at the time, a child I think.


A short pause

SCP 7101: You have probably found the reason for why it is just us three though yes?


Agent Ruby: I do not believe we have, were there more that were cursed?


SCP 7101: Well I can tell you that there was a war. My Father and Uncle were fighting against them I believe and it came to a point.

Note: No war has been documented that at this time or involving Able and Cain


SCP 7101: To where they fought each other. Hence why they cannot stand each other. My uncle was killed but the sword seemed to save him at a great cost. After he was killed I was locked away for protection.

Another pause

SCP 7101: From the gods. This is what he has told me.


Agent Ruby: And what gods would those be?


SCP 7101: Sumerian deities. Of great power. The Sorceresses idolised the goddess of magic, curses and destruction.

The strongest god was of time and choice. To which it is prophesied he could control time and prevent whatever he would like. I have always been skeptical due to me still being alive but with the sword and armor I bear maybe it's true. I never was affected in the box by a god. I am unsure how many there were, but with the amount of weird things that you contain, how can it be fiction.


A short pause

SCP 7101: Although Sumeria is long gone now.


A long pause

SCP 7101: Or is it?


Another pause as a smirk creeps on 7101’s face

SCP 7101: Hahaha just joking with you. Sumerians were all wiped out. Apart from the ones in the facilities you own. So yes, It is all truth. The war, the hierarchy…

Note: To date the Hierarchy talked about is unknown


SCP 7101: I can answer more if needed 

7101 smiles


Agent Ruby: I see, well I believe that is all, do you have any questions for me?


Ruby gives a friendly smile


SCP 7101: Uhm let me think.

A short pause


SCP 7101: Is there any other items of Sumerian objects that you possess?

Ruby thought for a moment


Agent Ruby: At this site, other than your uncle and yourself, no, although at other sites I'm sure there are.


SCP 7101: There aren't many ways to find out if they are. They should never be messed with. Who knows what they could do. Maybe even reverse time back to way back when, or send the Earth into darkness. I like this place though, a lot of knowledge and fun things to discover! Well, if that is all, I appreciate the questions! Giving my knowledge is key for the future. I’ll be sure to fight any baddies you have against you.

7101 laughs


Agent Ruby: We thank you for that, have a nice day 

SCP 7101: You too

7101 smiles and leaves the room as Ruby cleans up the papers on the desk and leaves with their E-11 guard.

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Very well done. The connections you made between the SCP's and 7101 add a layer of depth to this interview. The amount of detail is also wonderful. Overall a fantastic test. No errors as far as i can see.

Grade: A+

Former DHOR Tomato

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